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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
27:1 leviathan. “Leviathan” is here also called “the dragon.” The references to “leviathan” in Psalm 74:13-14; Psalm 104:26; and Job 41:1-34 make it clear that this was a real animal, probably a fearsome marine reptile, like a dinosaur. This passage, as well as Psalm 74:13,14, also shows that the many references to “dragons” in the Bible (Hebrew tannin) must refer to great monsters, now extinct, such as dinosaurs. Only the false idea of the supposed evolutionary ages of geology says that dinosaurs became extinct seventy million years before man evolved.
27:1 that crooked serpent. Leviathan, though a real animal, also symbolizes that old serpent, the devil, who will indeed be judged “in that day,” first bound in “the bottomless pit,” later consigned forever to “the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:3,10).
27:1 dragon. The “dragon that is in the sea,” actually a marine dinosaur-like reptile (called a plesiosaur today), here symbolizes both Satan and the Beast of the end-times. See Revelation 12:3, 9; 13:1-2. The Beast, the Man of sin, is energized and possessed by Satan. Both will be destroyed “in that day.”
27:2 A vineyard. Isaiah here returns to the symbol of Israel as a vine (see note on Isaiah 5:1), that would eventually “fill the face of the earth with fruit” (Isaiah 27:6).
27:13 trumpet shall be blown. When the great tribulation is over (Matthew 24:29) and “the time of Jacob’s trouble” is finally ended (Jeremiah 30:7), the angelic trumpet of Matthew 24:31 will “gather together His elect…from one end of heaven to the other.”