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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
14:2 which told me. Jeroboam had remembered Abijah’s prophecy that he should be king over Israel, but had conveniently “forgotten” that this promise was conditioned on his obeying God’s Word (I Kings 11:38).
14:13 to the grave. This phrase can also be translated as “shall be buried.” I Kings 14:11 indicates others of Jeroboam’s line will not be buried.
14:13 some good thing. This commendation at least suggests that this child, not having reached the age of conscious sin, is safe in Christ, who would eventually die for his innate sin-nature. See also II Samuel 12:23.
14:16 made Israel to sin. No less than eighteen times in the two books of Kings are we reminded that it was Jeroboam who not only sinned, but “made Israel to sin.” This is the first reference; the last is II Kings 17:21, where it is said that “Jeroboam drave Israel from following the LORD, and made them sin a great sin,” until finally, “was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria” (II Kings 17:23). This is a terrifying memorial to a man who once showed such great promise that God specially called him as Israel’s king (I Kings 11:28-31), reminding us even today of the deadly consequences of leading God’s people into compromise with paganism.
14:19 book of the chronicles. This book should not be confused with the Biblical book of Chronicles. It apparently was a book kept in the king’s court from generation to generation and frequent references to it indicate that it was a historical source book used by whoever prepared the two books of Kings in their present form (possibly Jeremiah, or some other later prophet).
14:24 sodomites. The sin of sodomy, or homosexuality, was considered normal behavior in the pagan nations of Canaan which the Lord had commanded the Israelites to destroy. To God, however, it was one of the most grievous of their “abominations.” Solomon had allowed it and their other immoral practices to reenter the land as a result of his marrying wives from these nations.
14:26 shields of gold. The great king of Egypt had once given Solomon his own daughter, but he now plunders all the riches of the temple only five years after Solomon’s death, taking the shields of gold in particular. Rehoboam made shields of brass in their stead. God would have allowed Pharaoh Shishak even to destroy Jerusalem because of Rehoboam’s sin, but Rehoboam repented and God turned from His wrath (see II Chronicles 12:1-12). It is noteworthy that the mummy of Pharaoh Shishak has been found by Egyptian archaeologists, encased in a golden sarcophagus, reminding us perhaps of the golden treasures of Solomon that he had taken from Rehoboam.