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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
22:3 Satan into Judas. Satan “possessed” Judas at this juncture, just as he had once possessed the human bodies of the kings of Babylon and Tyre (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-15) and will possess the body of the Antichrist (II Thessalonians 2:3; Revelation 13:3-5). Before a demon (or, in this case, Satan) can take over the body of a human being, that person must somehow have made himself or herself receptive to his temptations. The sins of Satan himself (pride, unbelief, covetousness, blasphemy) are used most effectively in temptation. These sins of the mind soon lead to grosser sins of the flesh and leave the person open to full demonic control. In Judas’ case, his covetousness led to his becoming a thief and finally to his lethal betrayal of his teacher and friend. For this most vital function, however, Satan had to “enter” him. Note also John 13:2,27.
22:20 in my blood. For the spiritual and prophetic significance of the Lord’s supper, see the comments on the parallel accounts in Matthew 26:28 and Mark 14:24-27.
22:30 the twelve tribes of Israel. This promise apparently relates to the millennial kingdom. At that time, Israel will be restored fully to its promised land, with all the tribes, and the resurrected saints of the church age, including the twelve apostles, will judge the world (I Corinthians 6:2). In his revelation of this period, John said: “I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them” (Revelation 20:4).
22:31 Satan hath desired. Satan had failed completely in his effort to tempt Jesus, so evidently decided to seek the fall of the man who seemed to be the leader of His apostles. As in the case of Job some two thousand years before, Jesus assured Peter that he would not lose his faith (Luke 22:32), and that the end result of Peter’s trial, like that of Job, would be a source of blessing to others.
22:36 buy one. These instructions were quite different from those He had given before (Luke 9:3; 10:4; 22:35; 9:56). Before, He was with the disciples, and they were being trained. Now, however, He would no longer be with them. After that night, they must go forth into the world on their permanent mission, and they must have the usual means of survival in a hostile world.
22:37 among the transgressors. The Lord here quoted Isaiah 53:12. Up until this point, He had merely encountered unbelief and hostility from the ruling establishment. Now, they were determined to have Him executed as a common criminal, not knowing they would actually be fulfilling a key Messianic prophecy. He was numbered with the criminals, that we might be numbered with the saints (Revelation 5:9-12).
22:38 two swords. One of the disciples (probably Peter), misunderstood what Jesus said, thinking He was telling them they would have to defend Him that very night. The Lord simply told them, in effect, to quit talking about it, knowing they would not really understand until later.
22:43 an angel. Jesus was enduring the testing in the garden only as a man, not calling on His own divine nature, and it was appropriate that the Father would send an angel to encourage Him for the ordeal ahead. Only Luke mentions this incident.
22:44 drops of blood. Luke is also the only gospel writer to mention the bloody sweat, possibly because of his interest as a physician in this rare physiological phenomenon, which spoke eloquently of the intense spiritual agony Jesus was suffering as He faced the terrible trauma of being made sin and having the Father forsake Him, thus enduring hell itself for lost sinners.
22:53 your hour. This was not only the hour for which Christ’s human enemies had been planning, but also that of Satan and all his dark powers. At the same time, it was also the hour for which Christ had come into the world (John 12:27), when by His being made sin and dying for sin He would once for all defeat Satan and take away the sin of the world (John 1:29).
22:61 looked upon Peter. Peter had forgotten his confident boast of just a few hours earlier (Luke 22:33), and Jesus’ prediction of his denial (Luke 22:34). It only took one look from Christ, however, and he remembered.
22:62 wept bitterly. In spite of Satan’s sifting of Peter (Luke 22:31), Jesus had promised that Peter’s faith would not fail and he would be converted (that is, “turned around”). Peter’s bitter weeping, when Jesus looked at him, showed that his restoration was beginning.