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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
41:2 righteous man from the east. This is a remarkable prophecy of the rapid rise to world power by Cyrus, the future king of the great Persian Empire. The very name Cyrus is actually foreseen in Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1. See footnote on Isaiah 45:4.
41:4 first, and with the last. Only God, who created time, as well as space and matter, can see every generation from the beginning of time, for He is outside of time. He is the first and also the last, a title assumed by Christ (Revelation 1:8,11). See also Isaiah 42:9.
41:8 Israel, art my servant. In addition to Israel, the prophet names two other special “servants” of God—David (Isaiah 37:35) and especially the coming Messiah (Isaiah 42:1; 52:13; etc.).
41:10 I am with thee. Note the two “I ams” in this verse and also note “I am He” in Isaiah 41:4. The verb of being, “am,” is understood rather than explicitly expressed in the Hebrew. In effect, it reflects the name of God originally revealed to Moses (Exodus 3:14) and appropriated by Christ (John 8:28, 58; etc.). In addition to the two “I ams,” note also the two following “I wills” in the verse.
41:20 hath created it. The marvelous rejuvenation of the land of Israel in the coming kingdom age as outlined in Isaiah 41:15-19 will no doubt involve divinely controlled providential miracles (see footnotes on Isaiah 35:1,6, and Isaiah 40:4), but also actual miracles of creation, completely inexplicable by natural causes.
41:25 one from the north. This “one” also seems to be the emperor Cyrus (see note on Isaiah 41:2). Although both Persia and Babylon were east of Israel, Cyrus had conquered Babylon after first conquering Media north of Babylon.