More Commerce
A Second Chance from a Rice ATM
Although the reports of COVID-19 in Vietnam are relatively low (with 267 cases and zero deaths as of April 151), social distancing measures...
Salmon Young Take the Plunge in May
In May, hundreds of salmon fry are experiencing their own version of “live-streaming,” according to a report from Maine Audubon’s Molly...
Artificial Plants Help Keep the Peace at Tilapia Farms
Once again, a scientific study shows how “farmed” or ranched creatures live better if their domesticated context resembles their natural habitat.1...
More Human Accountability
A Truer Comfort
Stress levels have been rising for people all over the globe these last few weeks. News about the rapidly-spreading coronavirus, shelter-in-place orders,...
Young Adults Are Half of NYC's COVID-19 Cases
As of March 23, 2020, New York City remains the epicenter for both the total number of COVID-19 cases and the number of new cases. The Daily Case Data...
Fresh Produce and Stale Rebellion
While many are following stay-at-home orders for coronavirus and cautions to be sanitary, some are willfully disobeying—and even willfully spreading...
More Science in the News
God’s Providence Seen in Internal Clocks
Internal clocks are amazing examples of God’s providential care for his creation. One recent study showed embryonic “clocks” in chickens...
A Silver Lining in the World of Education
COVID-19 has caused the shutdown of most educational institutions worldwide. These closures are estimated to impact over 90% of the world’s student...
Crowds Soon to Gather at Delaware Bay’s Beaches
The Delaware Bay beaches will soon host an annual (and enormous) get-together, unrestricted by any unusual “social distancing” guidelines....
More Science in the News
Big Bang Troubles? No Problem, Just Double the Universe.,.
A physicist has suggested doubling the accepted age of the universe in order to resolve ‘strong’ tensions between the Big Bang and observations...
Human Kindness: The Residual Image of God
As the pandemic has strengthened its grip on the world these last couple months, it’s producing one interesting side effect: people are seeking out...
Puppies and Pandemics
Doom and gloom fill our newsfeeds. Seemingly every hour, more grim headlines emerge. The United Nations now says that the coronavirus crisis is the "gravest...