More Accurate Predictions
A Great Year of Development! 2024 Year in Review
The Institute for Creation Research had another outstanding year advancing creation science in 2024! We’ll use this opening issue of Acts &...
Lunar Recession in the News
Recently, the issue of the moon’s motion away from Earth was discussed on a popular science website.1,2 The author of the article is a...
When Messiah Came
"Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be...
More Science
Potential Coronavirus Treatments Enter Large Clinical Trials
Some good news in potential treatment options for COVID-19 was reported in the American journal Science.1 Four new treatment options were being...
Rapid Crystal Growth Supports Flood Model
Secular scientists are finding exactly what Flood geologists have predicted all along—huge crystals can and did grow extremely fast. In other words,...
John Walton’s Twisted Views on Disease and Suffering
John Walton is an influential Old Testament theologian at Wheaton College with an unorthodox and non-literal view of Genesis.1 He is also an...
More Commerce
Maple Syrup, Gold Nanoparticles, and Gratitude
It’s springtime in New England—an important season for maple syrup production.
The maple syrup season is short, only lasting between four...
Salmon Young Take the Plunge in May
In May, hundreds of salmon fry are experiencing their own version of “live-streaming,” according to a report from Maine Audubon’s Molly...
A Second Chance from a Rice ATM
Although the reports of COVID-19 in Vietnam are relatively low (with 267 cases and zero deaths as of April 151), social distancing measures...
More Noah's Ark and Flood
Dinosaur Washed Out to Sea with Its Last Meal
In 2017, a large dinosaur was discovered washed out to sea,1 similar to the dinosaur bone found 70 miles off Norway’s coast.2...
Soft Dinosaur Eggs Deflate Bird-Dinosaur Evolution
A pair of new studies found that some dinosaurs, and possibly some marine reptiles, laid squishy eggs. One study discovered that many dinosaurs, like turtles...
Intense Ice Age Volcanism Fits Biblical Model
Evidence continues to accumulate that the Genesis Flood caused an ice age lasting hundreds of years.1
Creation scientists maintain there...
More Science in the News
COVID-19 and Evangelicals
On March 27, Katherine Stewart wrote an opinion piece titled “The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals”1 for The New...
Why ’Giving Tuesday Now’ Is Important to IC.,.
We’re all walking through a revolutionary and uncertain time. For us here at ICR, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused swift changes to our daily operations...
Staying Social During Social Distancing
On Sunday, March 29, President Trump ordered the social distancing measures to stay in place until April 30. But does social distancing have to mean social...
More Creation Science Update
Molecular Motors of a Squid Show CET in Action
It has traditionally been thought in biology that invertebrates were somehow simple and less complex than vertebrates. But in past decades, this has...
CET or Evolutionary Trick?
Did you know that about 50% of the oxygen in the air you breathe comes from plankton in our oceans? Specifically, microplankton is made up of tiny organisms...
The Incredible Canine Sniffer
As any dog owner will tell you, the smelling ability of Rover is incredible.1 Surprisingly, however, “little is known about the structure...
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