Dr. Frank Sherwin will speak on biblical creation at multiple venues during his Snohomish County Apologetics Forum Creation tour. Critics regularly say, “Creation is either something you believe or don’t believe, but there’s no evidence for it.†The case for creation is rooted in what Paul teaches in Romans 1—that God’s work and attributes are “clearly seen.†Dr. Sherwin will describe the tools needed to discern objects that have been made (created) vs. objects that form over time through chance and natural processes. He will also provide convincing evidence for creation from the microscopic world (bacteria and molecular machines) and the macroscopic world (animals like the bat and woodpecker). Learn about the scientific evidence that supports the Bible at one of the exciting and informative events.
Dates: Sep 20, 2023 - Sep 24, 2023
All events on this tour are free and don’t require registration. Please feel free to come join us!
Date and Time | Venue | Talk | Description |
Wednesday Sept. 20th @7pm | Calvary Chapel Lake Stevens | Human Evolution | The media, movies, and nature programs overwhelmingly emphasize the idea that humans evolved from primate ancestors. But what do genetics and the fossil record say? Not a month goes by that we don’t read science headlines like, “Prehistoric human shakes up evolutionary tree†(Reuters, 2021). Do people and chimps really have 98% similar DNA? Who or what was “Lucy� Were the Neanderthals sub-human? Are our wisdom teeth, appendices, and tonsils just evolutionary leftovers? Dr. Sherwin’s non-technical presentation confirms that people have always been people, just as Genesis says. |
Thursday Sept. 21st @7pm | Cornerstone Bible Church | God's Designed Insects | The Phylum Arthropoda is the largest group of animals in the living world. Within this group are the amazing insects. Dr. Sherwin uses the fossil record to show that insects have always been insects. Join him as he discusses the bee’s grass seed-sized brain that has the ability to recognize faces, the design of the dragonfly, and the metamorphosis and migration of butterflies. |
Friday Sept. 22nd @7pm | Atonement Church | Scientific Evidence for Creation | Critics regularly say, “Creation is either something you believe or don’t believe, but there’s no evidence for it.†The case for creation is rooted in what Paul teaches in Romans 1—that God’s work and attributes are “clearly seen.†Dr. Sherwin describes the tools needed to discern objects that have been made (created) vs. objects that form over time through chance and natural processes. He then provides convincing evidence for creation from the microscopic world (bacteria and molecular machines) and the macroscopic world (animals like the bat and woodpecker). |
Saturday Morning Sept. 23rd 9am - Noon | First Baptist Church Arlington, WA | Mini Conference | Earth - Designed for Life |
9:00 am | The Wonderful Oceans | Dr. Sherwin discusses the amazing variety of marine life found in venues from tidal pools all the way to crushing ocean depths over five miles down. He also talks about the critical connection between moon-induced tides and weather, and important paths or currents in the oceans mentioned in Scripture (Psalm 8). Finally, he addresses how the volume of water in the oceans relates to the Genesis Flood. | |
10:00 am | Hummingbirds By Design | Of all the birds of God’s creation, the hummingbird might be the most remarkable. Everything about these creatures shouts design. Their little hearts can beat more than 1,000 times a minute, while their wings beat from 50 to 80 times a second. Its specialized interaction with plants, visual color range, complex vocalization, unique flight, and physiological capabilities are a testament to God’s design. | |
11:00 am | Q&A Session | The audience will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Sherwin questions on any number of creation topics. | |
Saturday Evening Sept. 23rd 6:00pm - 8:30pm | Lifeway Church | Youth Night Out - What Your Textbooks Aren't Telling You | Did you know there are natural limits to biological change? Geologists now see the evidence for a world-wide cataclysmic event in the past? Your body is not littered with ‘useless leftovers’ of slow & gradual evolution? Chimpanzees and people do not have 98.5% the same DNA? Birds are not dinosaurs? Evolutionists agree this planet was completely covered with water in the past? There are dozens of examples of soft dinosaur tissue in the fossil record? Dr Sherwin will cover these and many other examples in his presentation regarding scientific facts and evidences that are “overlooked†or not covered in science textbooks. |
Sunday Morning Sept. 24th 9:00am - 11:30am | First Baptist Church Arlington, WA | Sunday Worship Services | Dr. Sherwin will be speaking in both the Sunday school hour and the main worship service. |
Sunday School - 9:00 am | The Founders of Science | We have all heard of Newton, Kepler, Boyle, Faraday and others whose original scientific discoveries and research have paved the way for later generations. What is not well-known and in fact has been hidden or dismissed, is that most of these great scientists were also men of God and His Word. Learn ‘the rest of the story’ when it comes to the faith and dedication these people had to Christ and Scripture. | |
Worship Service - 10:30 am | Your Origins Matter | This talk is designed for students in secular schools as well as those working in secular environments. Dr. Sherwin looks at the first 11 chapters of Genesis and explains why they should be taken literally, not allegorically or poetically. He concludes with an appeal to Christians to know why they believe what they believe and why Genesis should be our rock-solid foundation for the Christian worldview. | |
Sunday Evening Sept. 24th 6:00pm | Summit Park Bible Church | War of the Worldviews | Everyone has a worldview. Sadly, many adopt a materialistic one that embraces Darwinian evolution as an alternative to the Genesis creation account. Ideas have consequences, especially when it comes to our origin and destiny. About half of Christian students who attend nominal Christian schools or secular colleges or universities forsake their faith before graduating. This talk is an introduction to the critical origins issue, with 1 Peter 3:15 as a foundation. |
For more information, please call 214.615.8306, or email events@ICR.org.