not a greater prophet
Luke 7:28
7:28 not a greater prophet. See notes on Matthew 11:11.
More Fossils Are Found at All Levels
Cambrian Explosion Alive and Well
A new editorial in GSA Today is claiming that secular scientists should cease using the term “Cambrian Explosion.”1 It’s not...
Super-Sized Synapsid in the Wrong Rocks
A Polish research duo described the remains of an elephant-size synapsid from upper Triassic rocks. Only it’s not supposed to be there. Secular...
Flood Buried Dinosaurs with a Bang
Scientists from the University of Bath have found that dinosaurs were thriving up to the end of the Cretaceous.1 This discovery conflicts with...
More Fossils Show Stasis and No Transitional Forms
"Ancient" Fish Brain Evidence of Evolution?
A recent secular news article confidently asserts that a fish fossil discovered in 1995 “is an ancestor of the first land animals or four-limbed...
Australopithecus Ate Like an Ape
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.
Secular scientists are continually trying to humanize ape fossils in an attempt to bridge the wide...
Hyaenodont Fossil Highlights Diversity and Flood Boundary
Paleontologists just discovered a fossil of a new type of extinct ferocious-looking mammal that’s bigger than any lion or tiger living today.1...
More Fossil Record
Massive Releases of CO2 from Volcanism Rival Humans
Recently, a new study published in Nature Communications has suggested that pulses of massive amounts of lava can release as much CO2 as humanity will...
Cambrian Explosion Alive and Well
A new editorial in GSA Today is claiming that secular scientists should cease using the term “Cambrian Explosion.”1 It’s not...
Two Excuses for Human Evolution Confusion
Public school textbooks assert that apes and humans emerged from an ape-like animal, whereas Genesis 1 says that God created humans and the different animal...
More Oceans
Manatees Visit Warm Waters of North Carolina
During July 4th weekend, manatees made a patriotic appearance on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.1,2
Manatees stopped to visit the Outer...
How Algae Do Fine When Tossed at Sea
How would you do if someone spun you around every few seconds all day long? Marine algae repeatedly get tossed about in coastal surf, and they cope quite...
Plethora of Life Found On Sea Turtle Shells
An amazing abundance of life can be found in the strangest places—such as the backs of turtles. It was previously known that an array of life was...
More Problems with Evolution
Event Recap: ICR Scientists Examine Human Origins
Last month, the ICR Discovery Center hosted “Origins: Re-examining the Evidence,” a special event featuring three of ICR’s scientists—experts...
Traces of "Oldest Ancestor" Found
A new study released on March 23, 2020, claims that evolutionary scientists have identified the oldest human ancestor. The fossil evidence for this assertion...
No Evidence T. rex Hatchlings Had Feathers
The recent discovery of a tiny tyrannosaur jaw bone fragment and a claw has some scientists again pushing dinosaurs as birds.1 But is there...
More Zoology
Dinosaur Washed Out to Sea with Its Last Meal
In 2017, a large dinosaur was discovered washed out to sea,1 similar to the dinosaur bone found 70 miles off Norway’s coast.2...
How Octopus Tentacles Find Crab Dinners
Sever an arm from an octopus, and like an underwater zombie it’ll keep groping its surroundings. Even without a brain, its suckers still detect and...
Salmon Young Take the Plunge in May
In May, hundreds of salmon fry are experiencing their own version of “live-streaming,” according to a report from Maine Audubon’s Molly...
More Living Fossils Display No Signs of Evolution's Long Ages
Was a Franken-Fish "Created"?
In 2020, Hungarian zoologists described the hybridization of a Russian sturgeon and American paddlefish.1 Some sources have reported the scientists...
The Fascinating Squid
A recent science news article sheds light on the amazing squid, but definitely not on its supposed evolution or origin. Creation scientists maintain...
Spectacular Spider Is a Long-Living Fossil
A fossilized spider was found in China with such perfectly preserved features that researchers were able to identify it down to its species name. Only...
More Noah's Ark and Flood
Is Newfound Dinosaur Fossil the Biggest Ever?
Whether dealing with athletes, sports teams, skyscrapers, or animals, we always want to know who or what takes the top spot. Researchers just published...
Another Attempt to Solve the Mystery of Plate Motion
The beginning of modern-style plate tectonics is another unsolved mystery in uniformitarian geology. No secular geologist seems to have a good answer....
Sudden Appearance of Flowering Plants Fit Flood Model
A new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution has claimed that flowering plants, the most common type of plant on Earth, first appeared in small...
More Creation Science Update
Butterflies Can Remember
Gone are the days when many people (biologists included) saw insects as simple creatures that did little more than reproduce, eat, and grow—with...
Our Sun, Finely Tuned for Life on Earth
Aside from appreciating the splendor of the sun during a beautiful sunrise or sunset, many rarely consider how special, necessary, and finely tuned...
Yet Another Living Fossil Found
Evolutionary philosophy states the fossil record is a record of the gradual and slow evolution of life forms that all came from a single common ancestor...
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