in their mouth
Psalms 58:6
58:6 in their mouth. This is one of the most graphic imprecations in the imprecatory psalms. See note on Psalm 5.
More The Universe Was Created Recently
New Estimate: Universe Two Billion Years Younger
Big Bang scientists recently used a new method to estimate the universe’s age. This method yields an age estimate that could be over two billion...
"Hot Jupiter" on the Verge of Destruction
Astronomers have discovered a Jupiter-sized extrasolar planet (exoplanet) orbiting so close to its host star that it is “perilously close”...
Distant Watery Planet Looks Young
A new analysis detailing the atmosphere of GJ 1214b—a planet located about 40 light years from earth and one that researchers have studied since...
More Diamonds and Strata Have Too Much Carbon-14
'Fedex' Fossil Calls into Question the Age of Amphibians
The naming of newly-discovered fossils sometimes involves significant people or prominent associations. Darwinius masillae was named for British naturalist...
Carbon Dating Undercuts Evolution's Long Ages
Evolutionists generally feel secure even in the face of compelling creationist arguments today because of their utter confidence in the geological time...
Diamonds May Be a Creationist's Best Friend
During the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) project, Andrew Snelling discovered evidence for a young earth and accelerated nuclear decay based...
More Minerals Have Too Much Helium
Zircon: Earth's Oldest Crystal?
by Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D., & Brian Thomas, M.S. *
Most people are familiar with man-made, diamond-like cubic zirconia (zirconium...
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
On May 20-21, 1998, a second conference to address radioisotopes and the age of the earth (RATE) met in San Diego, California. Six...
New RATE Data Support a Young World
New experiments done this year for the RATE project1 strongly support a young earth. This article updates results announced in an ICR Impact...
More The Sea Does Not Have Enough Minerals
Continents Should Have Eroded Long Ago
According to standard evolutionary models, the earth is supposed to be 4.5 billion years old, and its continents supposedly formed 3.5 billion years ago....
Evidence for a Young Earth from the Ocean and Atmosphere
By Larry Vardiman, PhD
The earth was created by God as the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Why? Because God is a god of beauty...
More Worldwide Catastrophic Evidence Is Everywhere
Extra-biblical Flood Legends
“Creation stands or falls on the Genesis Flood,” stated a creation geologist years ago. The fact of the Flood covering all the earth is undeniable....
Mind-Blowing Marine Ammonite in Tree Resin
Can a single fossil showcase the immense power of the global Flood? One such revelatory fossil may have been found recently in Myanmar encased in beautiful,...
Newly Discovered Sixth Extinction Rewrites Geology
Geology students memorize the rock system names found on geologic column diagrams, learn age assignments, typical fossils, and the five worldwide animal...
More Impact
Phenomenally Designed Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is an iron-containing respiratory protein in red blood cells that binds oxygen and then transports and releases it to cells that need oxygen....
European Stratigraphy Supports a Global Flood
ICR’s Column Project team recently finished work on the European continent, including Turkey and the area surrounding the Caspian Sea. We have...
The Final World: Renovation or New Creation?
In the beginning about 6,000 years ago, Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth out of nothing, or ex nihilo, which I discussed in a previous...