The Wonders of Our Creator | The Institute for Creation Research

The Wonders of Our Creator

As I read this month’s feature article by Dr. Henry Morris III, “Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future,” I was jarred by the statement that a large local museum’s mission is “to present the wonders of evolution.” Investors poured millions of dollars into a project designed to showcase the false teaching that something other than our Lord created the universe and everything in it.

Such a mission begs the question—exactly which “wonders of evolution” do they have in mind? According to evolution, humans are accidental descendants of ape-like ancestors. Evolution’s survival of the fittest motto suggests that only the strong should live. This empty philosophy gives no moral authority and no hope for the future.

How do you sell tickets to see that?

You don’t. You create something else: engaging exhibits with fascinating science and slip in the evolutionary interpretations along the way.

We don’t need a museum for more evolution. It’s everywhere. We see evolution displayed not only in museums but also in school classrooms, science and history textbooks, children’s picture books, TV programs and movies, literature, zoos, and even some churches. Does this concern you? This focus on evolution undermines our faith—if we can’t believe what the Bible says about creation, then how can we believe it about Jesus and salvation?

If we can’t believe what the Bible says about creation, then how can we believe it about Jesus and salvation? Tweet: If we can’t believe what the Bible says about creation, then how can we believe it about Jesus and salvation?

The Wonders of Our Creator:

@ICRscience @JaymeDurant @ICRdiscovery

#Science #Faith

Instead of going to places that glorify the “wonders of evolution,” what if we could take our families somewhere to explore the wonders of our Creator ? We’ll soon be able to do just that! When the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History opens in 2019, it will use science, technology, and creativity to glorify our Creator and celebrate His wonderful works. The exhibits will highlight the events described in Genesis 1–11 and show the glorious harmony that exists between science and the Bible.

What wonders will the Discovery Center declare? That our all-powerful God created everything out of nothing, formed human beings in His image, and breathed His very breath of life into them. It will shout that God’s response to death is not to promise more death but to provide a way for us to escape eternal death and experience eternal life through Jesus Christ. And it will proclaim that He is wise enough to design and uphold every aspect of this vast universe while caring for the tiniest detail of life.

Visitors to the Discovery Center will encounter scientific evidence that exposes the problems with evolution and demonstrates the accuracy of Scripture. Our scientists’ research will be integrated throughout the displays, including the latest information on soft tissues in dinosaur fossils, human versus chimp DNA, worldwide mapping of the Flood’s sedimentary layers, weaknesses in the Big Bang model, created design in the human body, and more.

Our all-powerful God created everything out of nothing, formed human beings in His image, and breathed His very breath of life into them. Tweet: Our all-powerful God created everything out of nothing, formed human beings in His image, and breathed His very breath of life into them.

The Wonders of Our Creator:

@ICRscience @JaymeDurant @ICRdiscovery

#Science #Faith

As we work to complete the exhibits, please pray for everyone who will come through the Discovery Center doors. ICR wants all who visit to be blessed by God’s work in creation and to leave knowing more than just the science supporting that creation. We want our guests to find a deeper relationship with the One who made them—that’s a wonder worth celebrating.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2018. The Wonders of Our Creator. Acts & Facts. 47 (10).

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