Who's Building Noah's Ark This Time? | The Institute for Creation Research

Who's Building Noah's Ark This Time?

Over the years several individuals and various groups have attempted to reconstruct Noah's Ark, either at full or partial scale. Most efforts were halted in the planning stage or in the fund-raising stage, but some have actually been completed. Some were proposed as creation museums or evangelistic tools, while others were for-profit tourist attractions.

Most recently a stylized scale model of Noah's Ark was completed by an unlikely group and in a most unlikely location. The environmental advocacy group Greenpeace constructed a 33-by-13-foot model on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey, at an altitude of over 8,000 feet! Its purpose was a new one, to "highlight dangers of global warming."

At the unveiling ceremony the group exclaimed, "We call on you to urgently cooperate globally to avert this catastrophic climate change…. This requires immediate implementation of a radical program to halt the rise of greenhouse gas emissions." All from Mount Ararat, site of a previous preservation of humanity in time of global catastrophe. <

As previously reported in Acts & Facts, I do not agree with the conclusions of global warming advocates, nor with their anti-Western agenda. I especially disassociate myself from the blasphemous use of a profound Scriptural truth to promote a scientific and political lie.

Our earth, created by a wise and forward-thinking Creator, operates in marvelous balance. Numerous feedback mechanisms keep one factor, such as a cyclic build-up of carbon dioxide, from overwhelming the rest. Other factors adjust to bring it all back in line, thus keeping the earth habitable by man -- God's image. God designed earth to continue, in all circumstances. If earth could survive the Flood, it can survive anything!

Adam and his descendants were placed on Earth to act as God's stewards, caring for the planet, wisely using it for man's good and God's glory. Christian-creationists rightly exhibit care for the environment, not abusing His creation for selfish ends.

However, we must not worship the creation over the Creator. Nor can we prefer earth over the image of God placed in stewardship over it. Just as the earth functions in God-ordained balance, so we must seek balance in our thinking.

My 13 trips to Mount Ararat attempting to locate the remains of the real Noah's Ark have been unsuccessful. Now at least we know we can find its smaller counterpart.

*Dr. John D. Morris is the President of the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris, J. 2007. Who's Building Noah's Ark This Time? Acts & Facts. 36 (8): 12.

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