What can I do to help the creation cause? | The Institute for Creation Research

What can I do to help the creation cause?

Often people ask me: What can I do to help the creation cause? They have been ministered to by the message of creation and have experienced the witness of the Spirit as to its truthfulness and importance. A love for the Bible and concern for people trapped in wrong thinking compels them to do something, but what? Obviously gifts and opportunities vary for each individual. Nevertheless, let me offer some things to think about.

Perhaps a first step, necessary for all who would minister to others, is to get grounded in creation truth. Many creation books are available now, for general interest and on special topics. Some provide careful Bible study, others a knowledge of creation-science. Most are for interested non-scientists, but some are quite technical. A good start for one who would get involved is the Modern Creation Trilogy, co-authored by my father, Dr. Henry Morris, and me. Non-technical but meaty, it provides a good look at all origin-related fields. Its three volumes "Scripture and Creation," "Science and Creation," and "Society and Creation," cover the ground well.

Once knowledgeable on creation subjects, make yourself available for ministry. Teach a class on creation in Sunday school, or a Sunday night series. Begin to develop skills at presenting the material and see where God leads. Being faithful at the start may develop into a broader ministry.

I do not recommend trying to get a bill passed to mandate creation teaching in the public schools. The students desperately need it, and the schools should allow it, but in the present political and judicial climate, such efforts never work. ICR has always encouraged education, not legislation. A ground swell of educated creation advocates, both students and parent can have a major influence.

Perhaps your education may take the form of graduate training at the ICR Graduate School, designed to train the next generation of productive creation scientists. Of more broad appeal is the online training in science education, available to all with a bachelor's degree in science or science education. We plan to extend this program into more general apologetic training in creation studies, but this is still at least a year away.

One thing that is immediately doable for all is to host an ICR speaker in your church or ICR seminar in the community. We have an experienced seminar promotion staff who can walk you through the steps to make it an effective event. Following the process we've developed, sponsoring and promoting a seminar is within the reach of anyone. People often ask if I or one of the other ICR scientists are available. My reply? We go where we're invited.

These are some ways in which you can make a difference in your church, school, or community. ICR stands ready to help. Together we can make inroads into the treacherous bulwark of evolution. But ICR can't do it without you. Let's partner together in creation evangelism.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2006. What can I do to help the creation cause?. Acts & Facts. 35 (6).

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