Thankful Remembrance | The Institute for Creation Research

Thankful Remembrance

We all have so much to be thankful for. Even after such a trying year, we must admit that God has been so very good to us. The Lord has not only shown us infinite mercy and grace by forgiving our sins, saving our souls, and promising us eternal life, He also “daily loads us with benefits” (Psalm 68:19). Truly, although wickedness and evil might rage around us, “the righteous shall be glad in the LORD, and trust in Him” (Psalm 64:10).

Such wonderful benefits also extend to our work at ICR. God has supplied for us in ways only He could and has greatly used our ministry to help countless others. I am reminded of this every time I review the notes and letters I receive. These are a great blessing to me personally, and like the apostle Paul, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you” (Philippians 1:3). So, in thankful remembrance of those who have encouraged me, it’s my joy to share a few of God’s many benefits to ICR.

Consider these comments from a medical doctor in Alaska: “I was introduced to ICR through Days of Praise, the most excellent devotional I’ve ever encountered. The postage to AK is expensive, I know, so thank you for making them available. I place them out in the waiting room, and they often create opportunities to witness. Imagine my surprise to learn of ICR’s focus on science—a real bonus!”

A radio listener and supporter in Ohio writes: “I’ve got no story…just a great respect for the courageous people of ICR. You stepped out with inspiration from God to create a museum debunking the bogus museums we were forced to go to as kids and [where we were] fed the lies about evil-ution. God bless you all!”

Speaking of the ICR Discovery Center, one of our talented filmmakers sent me this message on Facebook: “Congrats, Henry, on your first anniversary! I know how much effort and care you put into each and every aspect, and this was one of the best projects I’ve ever worked on. I hope I can get back down there before too long. Please relay my cheers to Dr. [Henry] Morris III as well.”

This encouragement came from an engineer and longtime supporter in New York: “I love ICR’s ministry, one of the few I support. I grew up [in a mainline denomination] and struggled for years to find a solid church—they are filled with nice people but are weak and mostly ‘dead.’ ICR fed me during many lean years, for which I will ever be grateful.”

Closer to home, a new friend from East Texas sent me this email: “I just wanted to add my thanks to you for making available the facilities of the Institute for Creation Research for [our] team to use. Not only was it a great place to meet, [but] the added benefit to tour your museum and see the dramatic productions was outstanding. You have done an excellent job presenting the pages of God’s Word.”

And finally, a retired educator and current trustor in Hawaii shared: “Just wanted to say that your September Acts & Facts article, ‘One Generation Away,’ was excellent. Great work. Such an important reminder for us all. Your financial management is also a great blessing to ICR. God’s continued blessings on your work for Him!”

God is using ICR’s ministry to reach and help people, often in ways we are unaware of. It is my prayer that these marvelous testimonies bless you as much as they did me and will encourage you to keep praying and supporting our work. As for me, when I remember my blessings this Thanksgiving, I’ll be thanking the Lord for you.

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris IV. 2020. Thankful Remembrance. Acts & Facts. 49 (11).

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