Reflection Upon God's Blessings | The Institute for Creation Research

Reflection Upon God's Blessings

This month Americans normally set aside time to reflect on God's blessings. At ICR we have much for which we are thankful, and I'd like to rehearse them.

Let me start with the February death of my father, Dr. Henry Morris. I'm not necessarily thankful for his death, but I am happy for him. He is free from his struggles and with his Savior, and for that I am thankful. I am also thankful that he placed ICR on such a firm foundation, and that it will continue. I give my pledge that the direction he set, both Biblical and scientific, will last. The staff is unified behind these goals.

Many of the specific goals are set to blossom in a major way in the short term, as well as the long run. The ICR research, especially, is making great strides. The RATE initiative certainly saw important discoveries made, and now we're in the process of dissemination. The new projects, most particularly the GENE project studying the human genome holds great promise. The FAST project on the nature of the great Flood of Noah's day will almost certainly enlighten us on some long-standing enigmas. These are fruitful days.

The recently completed Death Valley/High Sierras/Mammoth Lake/Yosemite tour, reported on in this issue, illustrates the power of ICR research, for each location visited pertains to ICR research. This "Tour of All Time," visits creation rock, pre-Flood continental rock, pre-Flood ocean floor, Flood strata, and the post-Flood Ice Age. What a privilege to understand so much from a Biblical perspective.

I am also thankful for God's provision of our every need here at ICR. Even as we expand in numbers and projects, and thus budget, God places these needs on the hearts of His people; the work goes ahead. Never have we lacked, to God be the glory.

As ICR supporters, you not only partner in the work financially, you also support us in prayer and for this we are most thankful. This spiritual battle must be undergirded by prayer, for it is His work, and He must lead the charge. We give Him all the credit for gains, trust He is pleased, and thank you for coming alongside.

Through the work and ministry of ICR, God's Word is honored. His Name is glorified. His creation is understood. His message is trumpeted. His servants at ICR are thankful that He allows us a part in what He is accomplishing.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2006. Reflection Upon God's Blessings. Acts & Facts. 35 (11).

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