The GENE Project | The Institute for Creation Research

The GENE Project

Those familiar with ICR know it operates within a well-established rhythm. Seminars and other speaking engagements are scheduled throughout the year, and tours are held in the fall and spring. In many ways, however, summertime is the most dynamic season, for the ICR Graduate School holds its classes in the summer. As students gather for training, and adjunct professors merge with the resident faculty for teaching, it's a structured, but unpredictable time.

Perhaps the summer is also the most interesting time for ICR's research program too. The variety of minds collected form a "critical mass," and ideas flow freely. In July the RATE scientists gathered for the final time, with last-minute discoveries to share at the climactic meeting in November. Final touches are being incorporated into the RATE books and documentary, making flexibility a necessary commodity. Already the men are discussing follow-up projects to keep the momentum going.

In June a different set of scientists gathered at ICR; those strategizing for the upcoming research initiative in genomics. Worldwide discoveries have produced a wealth of raw genomic data just crying for a creationist interpretation. The human genome was decoded a couple of years ago, and now the chimp genome is available along with others. Already dozens of creationist genomists have joined up. Working on their own, little can be accomplished, but together a synergy is reached which has no limit.

The plan is to focus on analyzing the human genome, demonstrating the certainty that man and the animals have no common ancestor. A second goal is to establish the limits of the created "kind," delineating the limits of biological adaptation. I really do feel that in genomics we can conclusively show that "evolution by modification from a common ancestor" did not happen!

The GENE project, as did the RATE project before it, began with a time of concentrated prayer. Collectively and individually, the scientists recognize that unless God blesses them with insights and success, nothing of lasting value will result. With His help, the satanic stronghold of evolution can be breached.

Might I ask the readers of Acts & Facts to join with us in prayer? We stand on the threshold of monumental advances, with the potential of bringing great glory to the Creator, and lifting Him and His Word high. Many will see what is done here and be introduced to His truth. Christians will be encouraged to see His Word so wonderfully illuminated. I am certain that much of eternal significance will be accomplished. Please partner with us in this great endeavor.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2005. The GENE Project. Acts & Facts. 34 (8).

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