Delighting in God's Handiwork in the Classroom | The Institute for Creation Research

Delighting in God's Handiwork in the Classroom

Evolutionists often see themselves as champions of learning and education—proponents of “enlightenment” fighting the forces of ignorance and superstition, largely represented in their minds by conservative Christianity. It’s painfully obvious that the quality of education, at least here in the United States, has greatly deteriorated over the years. And there is simply no way that evolutionists can blame this educational decline on creationism or Christianity, since these worldviews have been effectively outlawed from public classrooms.

One can’t help but wonder if the secularization in our public schools is directly robbing children of the joy of learning. Psalm 111:2 says, “The works of the LORD are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them.” Many Christians have personally experienced the truth of this verse as they delight in God’s handiwork. ICR’s Dr. Randy Guliuzza is fond of saying, “Worship should be the normal response to science.” In fact, creationist physicist James Clerk Maxwell had Psalm 111:2 inscribed in Latin above the main entrance of the famous Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University.

Many of us have painful memories of boring classroom experiences that we endured rather than enjoyed. Evolution can’t be entirely blamed for that. Teachers—even Christian teachers—who aren’t passionate about their subject matter can turn students off to it.

But would world history have been more interesting if we had seen the connection between it and the people we read about in Scripture? How would our understanding of history have been affected if we had learned:

  • The prophet Daniel is referred to in Babylonian cuneiform records, as are his three friends.1
  • The archaeological evidence at Jericho is perfectly consistent with the destruction of the city described in Joshua.2
  • Some of the people Paul mentions in his epistles are documented in secular historical records.3

Many students dread mathematics, but would they have warmed up to the subject if they had been told:

  • Honeybees construct their honeycombs to maximize volume for a given amount of wax. Calculus is needed to show this, but the bees obviously didn’t figure this out on their own!4
  • Other insects make use of advanced mathematics.5
  • Secular scientists and mathematicians are surprised at how well mathematics describes the universe, even though they claim it was a cosmic accident.6

How much more exciting would biology classrooms be if instead of carefully avoiding the overwhelming evidence for design in living systems, God’s handiwork was openly acknowledged and admired? Would astronomy class have been more pleasant if instead of just learning facts and equations, the class took time to savor the beauty of the heavens the Lord made? What if students were shown how our solar system abounds with evidence of a youth that matches the Genesis record?7

Perhaps it’s a pipe dream to hope for such things in the public school system.8 But surely teachers in Christian schools can share this knowledge with their students, and Christian parents and grandparents can share it with their children. The Institute for Creation Research routinely receives reports from Christians who are delighted to learn that science confirms the truth of Scripture. And visitors to the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History make similar comments.

Perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us that a proper relationship with the Lord can result in pleasure and delight in learning and many other areas. And the redeemed will have an eternity to enjoy God’s presence: “In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).


  1. Cooper, B. 2012. The Authenticity of the Book of Daniel. Services, LLC. Kindle edition, chapters 2 and 3.
  2. Wood, B. 1999. The walls of Jericho. Archaeology confirms: they really DID come a-tumblin down. Creation. 21 (2): 36-40.
  3. Cooper. B. 2012. The Authenticity of the Book of Genesis. Portsmouth, UK: Creation Science Movement, 149-159.
  4. Nickel, J. 2001. Mathematics: Is God Silent? Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 212-215.
  5. Sherwin, F. and B. Thomas. 2013. Insect Arithmetic–Pure Genius! Acts & Facts. 42 (7): 16-17.
  6. Nickel, J. Mathematics: Is God Silent?, 195-211.
  7. Hebert, J. 2018. Our Young Solar System. Acts & Facts. 47 (9): 10-13.
  8. We would be ecstatic if public school teachers were allowed to candidly acknowledge the religious/philosophical beliefs undergirding evolutionary theory, as well as the difficulties with evolutionary dogma.

* Dr. Hebert is Research Associate at the Institute for Creation Research and earned his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Texas at Dallas.

Cite this article: Jake Hebert, Ph.D. 2020. Delighting in God's Handiwork in the Classroom. Acts & Facts. 49 (5).

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