The Heavens Declare | The Institute for Creation Research

The Heavens Declare

By God’s grace, ICR will soon break ground on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. This is truly remarkable since we’ve only been raising funds for a little over a year—all praise and glory to Him! But while our emphasis was on the Discovery Center, many of ICR’s other worthy ministry programs may have been overlooked. ICR’s media initiatives deserve a special mention this month, particularly as we begin work on a new high-quality DVD series expected to be available later this year.

You may recall ICR’s decision several years ago to be more effective in reaching the coming generations. We noticed a very real disconnect with millennials, especially those 18 to 35 years old. They were either largely absent from the churches we ministered to or had deserted “traditional” Bible-teaching churches in favor of ultra-contemporary assemblies that have replaced expositional teaching with shallow biblical “discussions.” Many Christian colleges are in similar straits, and the majority of students are sadly ignorant of basic creation doctrine and the scientific evidence that confirms Genesis. Without a deep conviction that the Bible’s foundational book is accurate, many young lives may wither away in their walk with Christ (Matthew 13:5-6).

So we set out to reach this next generation in a way that would appeal and engage their culture. Using the power of visual storytelling, ICR committed millions of dollars to create the 12-episode Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis DVD series in 2014, a unique and exceptional resource never before seen in creation science ministry. And the Lord blessed in mighty ways! Since its release, countless testimonies have been received of lives changed, doubts erased, and faith solidified. To those who shared a portion of their resources to help ICR meet this need—thank you. But Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis was only the beginning.

Since then, ICR has received many requests for more science resources of a similar high quality. To fill this need, we produced two more DVD series—Made in His Image in 2015 and Uncovering the Truth about Dinosaurs in 2016—and also added subtitles in four foreign languages to enhance their outreach potential beyond U.S. borders. Work is now underway on the next installment in ICR’s line of exceptional DVD series—The Universe: A Revealing Journey through God’s Grand Design.

The heavens not only declare God’s majestic glory and craftsmanship, they also “speak” and reveal knowledge that can be understood universally (Psalm 19:1-3). Mankind has always been intrigued by the heavens, and ancient scholars like the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12) were well-versed in the locations and movements of all visible stars. Moreover, many of the founders of modern astronomy were Christians, and their belief in the Bible as God’s special revelation to mankind spurred their research, technological advancements, and discoveries. The information uncovered since then—of the vast number and classes of celestial bodies, for example—simply confirms the Bible has always been far ahead of science (e.g., 1 Corinthians 15:41). These facts are rarely taught in public schools, and The Universe fills the gap with a fascinating voyage through God’s magnificent design.

There is no doubt our DVD series have made a powerful impact on younger generations. But the expense to produce such high-quality media resources is significant, costing around $750,000 for each four-part series. Would you please consider investing with us by making a generous gift to ICR media? You can donate online at (select “for Media”), or simply write “Media” on the memo line of your check and mail it to us. Your tax-deductible gift will be put to careful use to reach “the generation[s] to come” with the evidence of the “wonderful works that He has done” (Psalm 78:4).

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Insti-tute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris IV. 2017. The Heavens Declare. Acts & Facts. 46 (4).

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