The Big Bang... In Immunology | The Institute for Creation Research

The Big Bang... In Immunology

It would seem the sudden “explosive” appearance of everything—from the universe to invertebrate creatures, to people and their immune system—is the frustrating rule in secular science.

In the Cambrian system of sedimentary rock, for example, complex invertebrate creatures such as corals, worms, trilobites, sea stars, and jellies all explosively appear in a most un-Darwinian manner. Evolutionist Niles Eldredge admits, “The Cambrian evolutionary explosion is still shrouded in mystery.”1 Creation scientists hardly see this as an enigma, but exactly what is expected based on Creation, the Fall, and the Flood.

People, too, appear abruptly as admitted by secular biologists. “We appear suddenly in the fossil record, or so it seems to many paleontologists.”2 In the twenty-first century, so-called human evolution is still “complex and unresolved,”3 the fossil evidence being “fragmentary and open to various interpretations.”4

On a smaller scale, the incredibly sophisticated immune system has no Darwinian explanation for its sudden origin. This complex system is an arrangement of multilevel defenses that protects people and vertebrates against bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses. The immune system, and other systems of the body, reveals wondrous design by the Master Designer. Consider for a moment that the secular community does not know how this incredible system evolved—

There is still much debate on how the vertebrate immune system evolved and even less consensus on its relationship to defense systems in invertebrates.5 Immunologist and evolutionist Charles Janeway and fellow authors speak of the very sudden appearance of adaptive, or acquired, immunity in an unknown past creature. In jawed fish and all “higher” vertebrates, adaptive immunity is possible because of what I like to think of as the immunological “Big Bang,” which occurred in some ancestor of the jawed fish.6 But it doesn’t stop there. The rays and sharks (Chondrichthyes) have experienced this “Big Bang” in their immune system— Adaptive immunity appears abruptly in the cartilaginous fish.7 While the secular community continues to ponder their origins apart from God, the cry of David can still be heard by those truly searching, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (Psalm 139:14).


1. Eldredge, N., The Monkey Business, Washington Square Press, New York, 1982, p. 46.There are attempted recent explanations of the Cambrian explosion. See Bio Essays 22:1053–1056, 2000.
2. Villee, Solomon and Davis, Biology, Saunders College Publishing, 1985, p. 1049.
3. D.E. Lieberman, “Another face in our family tree,” Nature, March 2001, vol. 410, p. 419.
4. Gee, H., “Return to the planet of the apes,” Nature, July 2001, vol. 412, p. 131.
5. Gerhart & Kirschner, Cells, Embryos and Evolution, Blackwell Science, 1997, p. 161.
6. Janeway, et al., Immunobiology, 5 th ed., Garland Publishing, 2001, p. 602.
7. Ibid., p. 604.

Cite this article: Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.). 2002. The Big Bang... In Immunology. Acts & Facts. 31 (4).

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