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Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - Creation scientists maintain that if something is living, then it’s automatically complex. This applies to organisms ranging from a single bacterium (a prokaryote, such as E. coli) to a blue whale (a mammal composed of untold trillions of...

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - There’s no doubt that animals in God’s creation have iconic features. The question is, did these features evolve or were they created that way from the beginning? Elise Poore of Live Science recently wrote an article titled...

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - The late leading evolutionary biologist, Ernst Mayr, said the eye appeared at least 40 times “during the evolution of animal diversity.”1 But creationists claim that the more we learn of the eye and its complexity, particularly in the...

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - Skin is the largest organ of your body. It helps maintain a person’s or animal’s homeostasis (a relatively stable equilibrium), insulation, and sensory functions. As such, it is very complex. Creation scientists predict that wherever...

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - The fossil record shows that hummingbirds have always been hummingbirds. Such amazing mastery of aerial acrobatics could never have evolved.1,2 ICR’s Dr. Jeff Tomkins put it succinctly: The hummingbird is another animal that glorifies...

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - Tyrannosaurs were large terrestrial predators after the Fall.1 Juvenile or not, they conjure visions of terrible, fearsome creatures of the pre-Flood world when the earth was “filled with violence.”2,3 Like all dinosaurs, their origin...

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - Like all sciences, creation science has unanswered questions. This is why we are called the Institute for Creation Research—not the Institute for Creation Answers. Specifically, there are still some questions regarding the origin of...

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - Did your shoulders evolve from ancient fish? Creationists would say no, because we don’t have fish ancestors.1,2,3 However, research from the Imperial College London states, “A new analysis of the bones and muscles in ancient fish...

Fossil Leaf Miners - Dec 11, 2023
Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - The fossil record clearly shows insects have always been insects. In a recent study, researchers led by biologist Richard J. Knecht, a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard, wrote: [We] describe an endophytic [an organism that lives within a plant]...

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) - It’s something right out of science fiction. The beautiful, flighty butterfly has been discovered to have cancer detection properties via the ability to see tiny variations in the ultraviolet spectrum. Who would have guessed? There...

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