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That's a Fact - Oct 4, 2011
/article/thats-factChristine Dao - Here's something worth a post or a tweet. Today, the Institute for Creation Research debuts a new series of online video shorts called That's a Fact. The show is aimed at delivering fascinating facts about science, the Bible, and more in an...
UK Atheists Push to Censor Academic Freedom - Sep 28, 2011
/article/uk-atheists-push-censor-academic-freedomChristine Dao - An atheist group is petitioning the British government to issue policy to censor academic freedom and push evolution-only indoctrination on primary school students in the United Kingdom. Celebrity scientists such as David Attenborough and...
Evolution Controversy's Outdated, One-sided Exposure - Jul 26, 2011
/article/evolution-controversys-outdated-oneChristine Dao - Appealing to public emotions is a tool employed by politicians, media, and anyone trying to win supporters for a specific agenda. Naturally, such efforts can skew or omit facts, as is often the case in mainstream presentations of the ongoing...
Miss USA 'Believes' in Evolution - Jun 29, 2011
/article/miss-usa-believes-evolutionChristine Dao - An interesting question on evolution cropped up during the web interviews for the contestants of the recent Miss USA pageant. The event aired on network television June 19, 2011, but the interviews appeared on the pageant's YouTube channel...
Louisiana Academic Freedom Challenge Deferred - Jun 7, 2011
/article/louisiana-academic-freedom-challengeChristine Dao - A Louisiana state senate bill was introduced in April of this year in an effort to repeal the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), which went into law in 2008 to protect teachers if they introduce material on controversial topics…such as...
Ed and Eileen Gross: ICR's Ambassadors-at-large - Apr 29, 2011
/article/ed-eileen-gross-icrs-ambassadors-atChristine Dao - Ed and Eileen Gross travel around the United States in their Blue Bird Motor Home, representing the Institute for Creation Research for the past 10 years to hundreds of churches. "All done on a volunteer basis," Ed said in a recent interview. "And...
Bill Questioning Evolution Passes in Tennessee House - Apr 12, 2011
/article/bill-questioning-evolution-passes-tennesseeChristine Dao - Tennessee's House of Representatives has passed an academic freedom measure that would allow teachers in public science classrooms to present the strengths and weaknesses of controversial issues, such as evolution and global warming, without fear of...
Christine Dao - Discovery News reported on recent research that suggested people who believe in intelligent design theory (IDT) and reject evolutionary theory (ET) as an explanation for the origins of life do so not necessarily because of religious views, but...
Christine Dao - Discovery News reported on recent research that suggested people who believe in intelligent design theory (IDT) and reject evolutionary theory (ET) as an explanation for the origins of life do so not necessarily because of religious views, but...
Christine Dao - A bill recently introduced to the Texas House of Representatives would protect faculty and students at public colleges in the state from discrimination for holding views antithetical to Darwinian evolution. The proposed addition to the education...
Christine Dao - A bill recently introduced to the Texas House of Representatives would protect faculty and students at public colleges in the state from discrimination for holding views antithetical to Darwinian evolution. The proposed addition to the education...
Academic Freedom Up for Vote in Home of Scopes - Mar 14, 2011
/article/academic-freedom-up-for-vote-home-scopesChristine Dao - Tennessee…home of the legendary Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925…will be voting on legislation that evolutionists lament will "force creationism" into public science classrooms. House Bill 368 would protect "a teacher from discipline for...