More Transformed Lives
A Great Year of Development! 2024 Year in Review
The Institute for Creation Research had another outstanding year advancing creation science in 2024! We’ll use this opening issue of Acts &...
Chaplains and COVID-19
With social distancing measures in place, it may be tempting to think that the work of Christian missions has ceased. After all, most people are limited...
A Journey to the Truth of Creation
I recently had lunch with the chief academic officer of a local Christian university. As we connected over our meal, I could see his excitement about...
More Human Accountability
Falling Birth Rates of Nordic Countries, Except Faroes
If not for incoming immigrant growth, most Nordic nations would continue to lose human population because birth rates remain so low.1-3 Maybe...
Looking for Provision
Lawmakers are at it again as they vote on the latest stimulus bill. This potential “relief” might bring you some much-needed peace, or perhaps...
The Danger of Tunnel Vision
In an executive order, dated May 1, 2020, our president made this declaration:
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find...
More Science in the News
Different Interpretations of Same Data Is Routine
Are people growing weary of scientific experts giving them contradictory instructions for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic? It seems that there may be...
A Silver Lining in the World of Education
COVID-19 has caused the shutdown of most educational institutions worldwide. These closures are estimated to impact over 90% of the world’s student...
Are Remote Islands Insulated from Coronavirus?
Countries all over the world are now juggling public health risks along with economic collapse risks. Is taking temporary refuge on a remote island a good...
More Science in the News
Pork, Produce, and Planting for the Future
You probably have noticed over the last several weeks that your visits to the local store have demonstrated a new phenomenon—empty shelves in many...
Leading Through Sacrifice
The term “sacrifice” is often tossed around without giving genuine thought to what it really means.
Is it really a sacrifice to give up...
God, Bacteria, and Viruses
People will often ask, "Why would a good and perfect God allow bad things to happen?" This question seems all the more relevant today as all...