Series Overview
Join scientists and experts from the Institute for Creation Research for Discipleship University at First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.
This 9-week series focuses on learning fascinating and exciting evidences that affirm the Scriptural account of creation and the flood. Each presentation will share the latest research on each issue, and ultimately point to the marvelous engineering and handiwork of the Master Designer of the universe - our wonderful Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Date: Oct 1, 2023

5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. “The Greater Light to Rule the Day: Our Created Sun” – Dr. Jake Hebert

Class Description
Secular scientists frequently claim our sun is just an average, run-of-the-mill star. In truth, it demands a Creator and presents a problem for those who believe in millions of years of Earth history.

Registration is free, but space is limited! CLICK HERE to register for this series.

Room CC504
First Baptist Church of Dallas
1707 San Jacinto St.
Dallas, TX 75201

For more information please call 214.615.8325 or email

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