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More Evidence from the Life Sciences
Great American Outdoors Act, Signed into Law by President
In a bipartisan legislative achievement to promote better stewardship of American public lands, U.S. Senators and Representatives finalized their bill...
Mishandled Data Determine New Hominid Ages
A recent report in the journal Science mixed detailed archaeological finds with stories about human origins. As is typical, age assignments for fossils...
Cabin Fever, Cattle Egrets, and Pasture-land Partnerships
Nowadays, many folks experience “cabin fever,” but are banned from ordinary travel and social activities.1 However, some get out...
More Zoology
Wandering Albatross: Wide Wings on the Winds
Wandering albatrosses have the largest wingspan of any living bird, so they live much of life soaring above the oceans. With their wings—and a lot...
Should We Grouse About Not Seeing Grouse?
A recent report in Chesapeake Bay Journal laments the decline in ruffed grouse populations in the Chesapeake watershed region of its natural range.
Do Shrinking Shrews Cheat Evolution?
Common shrews are uniquely engineered creatures that have a high metabolism—very different from your average mammal. And now biologists have just...
More Science in the News
Chaplains and COVID-19
With social distancing measures in place, it may be tempting to think that the work of Christian missions has ceased. After all, most people are limited...
Invasion of the Giant Lizards
We are already contending with the COVID-19 virus and the recent spate of murder hornets in the Pacific Northwest, but now sobering news coming out of...
Pork, Produce, and Planting for the Future
You probably have noticed over the last several weeks that your visits to the local store have demonstrated a new phenomenon—empty shelves in many...
More Science in the News
Warm Weather and COVID-19
Higher temperatures appear to correlate with a lower spread rate for the coronavirus, according to an early hypothesis.1 The climate seems to...
Norwegian Rats, Archaeologists, and Plagues of the Past
Earth has experienced terrible pandemics before coronavirus.
Earlier this month, as archaeologists were researching an old Viking trade route in central...
Getting Crabby Over Labor Shortages
Some customers are getting a bit crabby over current market conditions for seafood. Is the shortage on shellfish due to federal immigration politics, coronavirus,...