Telomeres: implications for aging and evidence for intelligent design | The Institute for Creation Research

Telomeres: implications for aging and evidence for intelligent design

by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.

In Journal of Creation 25 (1): 86-97 2011

The complex telomere system in eukaryotic chromosomes eloquently demonstrates a precise well-designed mechanism that interacts with a wide variety of interconnected cell processes and pathways. It regulates gene expression and both cellular and organismal longevity through a unique time-keeping mechanism. The telomere system also contains structural features that protect the linear chromosome ends, making higher forms of cell life possible. In vertebrates, particularly humans, the telomere system is associated with a large number of agerelated diseases, cancer, and cell longevity in general. Understanding this system may help to explain some aspects associated with the wide historical variation in human longevity, specifically the disparity of lifespans as described in the biblical record. In addition, the interdependence of the thousands of components related to the telomere system provides an overwhelming case for both irreducible complexity and intelligent design.

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