Teaching the Teachers | The Institute for Creation Research

Teaching the Teachers

Long-time readers of Acts & Facts are well aware that ICR has mainly focused its teaching and outreach toward the leaders of Christ's Kingdom here on Earth. We are convinced that the "job" is far too big to do merely through media, seminars, and church services—although we do as much of this as humanly possible. However, the "real" work is done through "multiplication" as pastors, teachers, professionals, and Christians in every discipline of life teach faithful men who will teach others also.

To that end ICR has begun implementing several key strategic initiatives that we believe will augment the work of ICR and help communicate the valuable research results unique to our scientific faculty. They are listed in our new "Prospectus" as follows:

Create web-based programs to prepare Christians to understand and defend a Biblical view of creation. (The Master of Science degree in Science Education is now underway with a non-technical apologetic program to follow later this year.)

Develop a creation science center in Dallas that will train Christian leadership more intensively in the Biblical and creationist worldview. The center would enhance the professional expertise of many disciplines and provide for a broader dissemination of ICR research results.

Establish a network of Christian schools and colleges dedicated to effectively advocating scientific creationism. Foundational statements and tenets among these organizations would display a united voice and clear message to the world.

Develop a mentorship program to train a new generation of creation scientists. ICR faculty, in collaboration with Christian professors at secular universities, will help qualified and motivated Christian graduate students identify research topics that would contribute to current relevant creation research and be considered worthwhile and original by the university.

Call or write us for a full copy of our Prospectus.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris III, D.Min. 2006. Teaching the Teachers. Acts & Facts. 35 (5).

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