The Return Of Noah's Ark | The Institute for Creation Research

The Return Of Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark is back in the news! It's never really been out of sight, cropping up in children's books and Sunday school lessons. There have been several Hollywood-style documentaries on the Ark and the search for its remains that were produced over the years. The first was filmed in 1973 after a filming company polled Americans to determine their interest. The number one interest concerned Noah's Ark. It has been a hot topic ever since.

Noah's Ark

There are at least three expeditions attempting to find the Ark this summer. One, led by Mr. Jim Hall (former biology professor at Liberty University) includes experienced Ark hunters John McIntosh and B. J. Corban. The second, led by veteran Ark searcher Dick Bright along with seasoned expeditioners Chuck Aaron and Grant Richards. The groups are in touch with one another, and both are regularly in touch with ICR. A third group, sponsored by the Korea Association of Creation Research, is short on Ararat experience, but has some good contacts and a fresh, academic approach. Political tensions on the mountain may prevent any work from being accomplished, and prayer for their efforts is encouraged.

Perhaps the biggest news is an NBC mini-series called, "Noah," to be broadcast in May. Starring Jon Voight as Noah and produced by Robert Halmi, this four-hour epic has promise. It takes the inevitable Hollywood-style liberties with the Biblical record (pre-Flood villagers fighting with the assembling animals, pirates and sea monsters attacking the Ark, and pre-Flood environmental concerns), but according to Halmi, the film will point out that "God's rage with man brought on the Deluge—a lesson I hope will be learned from this `Noah's Ark.'" It will be filmed in Australia on a budget of million and will be complete with abundant computer-generated effects.

This information is not to be taken as an endorsement of the mini-series. It is to call attention to the vast, enduring interest in the Ark and the flood account. Christian creationists need to prepare to use it to speak of the real Flood facts as a powerful witnessing tool.

We predict that the anti-creationists will go into a rage over the program, regardless of its content. The Ark and flood account has been a favorite topic of ridicule for years. Such ridicule has been amply answered in several ICR books, most notably The Genesis Flood by Whitcomb and Morris and Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study by Woodmorrappe. This fascinating book examines virtually every problem and presents a feasible solution. Never again can a skeptic claim the Noah's Ark story is a fable. Both of these books are appropriate for serious laymen.

The point is, understanding the Flood of Noah's day can be a real strength to the Bible believer, not a weakness. Other resources on the flood/Ark include Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe (both book and video are fairly advanced). The family book, Noah's Ark and the Ararat Adventure, and the children's book, Noah's Ark, Noah's Flood, Lots of Water, Lots of Mud, answer many questions. Video instruction for general audiences can be achieved through "The Deluge," "Noah's Flood: A Geological Perspective," and "Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Creation" (see listing on back page).

Through these resources Christians can be armed to use the current Noah's Ark craze to accomplish eternal work.

* Dr. Morris is President of ICR.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 1999. The Return Of Noah's Ark. Acts & Facts. 28 (3).

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