Reaching Others Beyond Our Lifetime | The Institute for Creation Research

Reaching Others Beyond Our Lifetime

ICR has some big hopes for this next year. With God’s help and by His grace, we’ll begin building our long-anticipated museum and planetarium. For years, we’ve prayed, planned, and waited for God’s timing. We’ve developed books, provided events, produced DVDs, and offered a multitude of other tools to share the biblical creation account with others, and we will continue to do so. But the museum is a significant opportunity for us to stretch beyond our normal ministry operations and to provide believers with another avenue for creation ministry.

Our ICR board has given CEO Dr. Henry Morris III the go-ahead to start raising the funds and pulling together the formal plans. And as you see in Dr. Morris’ article, our wonderful Lord Jesus has already deposited the first big gift in the bank. We are praying the museum will help equip Christians to share the creation message in a compelling way, bringing truth to a world drowning in evolutionary philosophy. Many people live apart from God without meaning or purpose—oblivious to how we all got here—and we want to reach them.

And while we’re excited about the possibility of starting the building process, we’re aware that this museum and planetarium are only a small part of God’s big plan for all of us. In his article this month, Dr. Morris says, “God’s plans stretch out way beyond our lifetimes.”

Beyond our lifetimes.

If we could grasp the brevity of our lives, how would we live differently? How would we spend our time? Would we be more purposeful about reaching out to others? Would we become more confident about sharing our faith or more giving of our resources to meet others’ needs? Life on Earth is short—how does that fact change the way you live today?

We often encounter reminders that life is short. The penciled markings on the back of the door, demonstrating how our married children are no longer toddlers. Pictures of great-grandparents when they were young, solemnly standing beside their old model cars or even horse-drawn buggies, while we mentally fast-forward to images of frail shaky hands reaching for us from a nursing home bed. The thick grass growing over the cemetery plot that was once covered with a mound of loose dirt. We’re only on this earth a very short time—God tells us to redeem the time and make the most of every opportunity (Colossians 4:5; Ephesians 5:16).

In these troubled times, ICR attempts to make the most of every opportunity God provides. The Bible has been the foundation of our ministry for over 45 years. Throughout the years, many great leaders have come and gone—some of them are now with our heavenly Father. We’re grateful for the impact they’ve had on this ministry and the lives they’ve touched through this ministry. But they are gone. The needs of a dying world continue. And the need for truth continues.

The message remains the same. God made everything in six days—the Bible says it, and science confirms it. We recognize the strength of ICR doesn’t lie in the personalities or intellect of our teachers, staff, or scientists—our strength comes from God alone, and our message is firmly rooted in His Word.

Our museum will be another way for us to continue sharing the biblical creation message. Please partner with us as we boldly build. Pray for wisdom, resources, and changed lives. As Dr. Morris says, “God’s plans stretch out way beyond our lifetimes. The joy comes with the assurance that you and I will share in the changed lives of those not yet in the Kingdom—even those not yet born!”

* Jayme Durant is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2015. Reaching Others Beyond Our Lifetime. Acts & Facts. 44 (9).

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