The Might of Many Mites | The Institute for Creation Research

The Might of Many Mites

Any simple Google search will produce millions of websites dedicated to charitable giving. It’s astonishing how much information exists about this worthy cause. And while I could never visit them all, it does seem that most are devoted almost exclusively to “big money” donations. I suppose there is wisdom in that. After all, big money makes it possible for larger programs to reach more people. So bigger must be better—right?

The danger in this thinking is that larger programs always require bigger budgets, and bigger budgets demand more money to sustain larger programs, which…well, you get the picture. The resulting cycle can become self-destructive by shifting the ministry focus toward meeting budgetary goals, rather than concentrating on the true ministry the Lord called us to do. ICR strives mightily to not let that happen by remaining true to His Word, so that He, and only He, is glorified in the end.

Please don’t misunderstand me—large donations are tremendously welcome additions to our ministry! Yet, we know that generous gifts are not possible for most. And in fact, gifts of any size can be unbiblical if given in the wrong spirit. Consider the words of our Creator as recorded in Mark 12:41-44:

And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

Christ was not impressed with the large amounts given by the rich because they “did cast in of their abundance” and had plenty left over to maintain their lavish lifestyles. Rather, Christ was so impressed by the widow’s “farthing”—one fourth of a penny in the English monetary system—that He called His disciples over to point this truth out to them: God measures a gift not by its size, but by the motive in which it is given and the amount left un-given. The widow’s two mites were more valuable than all other gifts combined because, in her poverty, she gave “all that she had, even all her living.”

In this age when “bigger seems better,” perhaps some have been reluctant to give “too small” a gift, believing such small amounts cannot do much good for the Lord’s work. Yet, the widow’s example clearly shows that God is not interested in size, but in motive and proportion. As such, consider the following: For those who are currently receiving our material but have not yet partnered with us, please know if only 10 percent gave $10 per month, the Lord would use you to increase ICR’s ministry budget by over one million dollars per year. And if 100 percent were able to give just $5 per month (we understand many cannot), our resources would more than double. Many “mites” add up and can become mighty for our Lord’s work!

For over 40 years, ICR’s ministry has been supported by those who share our passion to proclaim the wonders of God’s magnificent creation. We carefully apply the resources the Lord provides through His people so that many can be brought to a saving knowledge of Him. Won’t you prayerfully consider joining us? Your help will make a difference for the cause of Christ.

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2012. The Might of Many Mites. Acts & Facts. 41 (8): 21. 

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