ICR's New Building Completed | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR's New Building Completed


After many years of praying, planning, and saving, but only nine months of construction, the new ICR research building has come to fruition. Our great Creator and Provider has done this and all the praise and glory go to Him.

Situated on the adjacent property to ICR's present facility, it will house four graduate school classrooms, the research laboratories, the distance learning production studio, the web site service hardware, and direct mail. It will also be the home for all book and video sales, from a large warehouse to the customer service department. Presently, space must be rented in nearby buildings to house these functions, and we can only imagine the benefits and savings of bringing them all back "on campus."

Almost all of the administrative and faculty offices of ICR will remain in their present locations. The relocation of the labs, however will allow the museum to add a whole new wing, will bring all radio personnel and facilities together, and allow room for much needed growth.

The new building is larger than the present one, built in 1985. Together they will serve ICR's needs for well into the future. Evidence of God's provision and blessing can be seen in the fact that monies were already in hand before construction started, and no debt was incurred. We feel God is pleased by this approach.

Plans have been made to dedicate the new building at a ceremony on Sunday afternoon, October 29, at 3:00, in conjunction with the celebration of ICR's 30th anniversary. Dr. Tim LaHaye, long-time friend of ICR, will be on hand to publicly "remember" ICR's founding, God's blessing through the years, and commit the new building to His service. All readers of Acts & Facts are cordially invited to join the staff and friends of ICR in celebration and anticipation of God's mighty hand of provision.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2000. ICR's New Building Completed. Acts & Facts. 29 (9).

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