ICR Ministry Strategy | The Institute for Creation Research

ICR Ministry Strategy

The blossoming creation movement in the United States has thrilled us all, but perhaps even more thrilling is the mushrooming interest in other countries. Often, when the education system is not so dominated by evolution teaching and the brainwashing in secularism not so complete, hearts and minds are more open, and the truth of creation received gladly. Over the years God has enabled ICR to assist in the foundation of numerous creation organizations and ministries throughout the world. For instance, just yesterday we received a message from a leader of the large and effective Korean Association of Creation Science, identifying ICR as the intellectual and circumstantial "father" of KACR. Without doubt, many of the scores of local creation ministries here in the states, as well as around the world, would consider ICR in a similar vein. Imagine how thankful we are that God has used us in such a fashion, and how delighted we are that the creation movement is so extensive and so healthy.

Thus it is with great joy that we announce two new ministries, both of which are headed by veteran missionaries who have seen the necessity of the creation message grow in their evangelistic and discipleship ministries.

First, Tim and Holly Nyquist, stationed in Bolivia. Graduates of Christian Heritage College, they were both extensively trained in ICR-style creationism and apologetics. Before long, they found that the educated people in Bolivia could hardly be reached without answers to their questions about evolution. Nearby dinosaur fossil discoveries formed the basis for a small museum that proved quite effective. Now, with the help of his Bolivian co-workers, Tim has written creation study guides in Spanish, translated other books into Spanish, and maintains an active book store and lending library throughout South America. Even though he will continue to receive his support through his mission board, ICR has determined to route all contacts and correspondence in South America through him. His address is: Tim & Holly Nyquist, Casilla 7548, La Pas, Bolivia, or through their email: t&hnyquist@bitsmart.com.

Second, Mr. John Pendleton has maintained a vital creation seminar and literature ministry through his mission's assignment near Mexico City. He too has both produced and translated creation materials into Spanish. I met him recently at the International Conference on Creationism and grew to appreciate his knowledge of creation and his commitment to its importance. He is a scientist with a B.S. in chemistry before his missions preparation. Since ICR radio programs now are translated into Spanish, we have decided to end each Spanish program with his name as a contact for individuals throughout Mexico and Central America. He can be reached at: Mr. John Pendleton, Priv. La Encantada #114, Zacatecas, Zac. Mexico 98086, Tel and fax 011-52-492-2-45-64. Email: pendleto@prodigy.net.mx.

Our philosophy in these matters has always been to encourage and advise local creation groups as requested rather than start them ourselves. Even though many groups have asked to be a "branch office" of ICR under our administrative oversight, we have declined. We feel that each local group will flourish better with local control, rather than following directions from a chain-of-command out of their area.

Over the years the writings of my father, ICR's founder, Dr. Henry Morris, have firmly established ICR's perspective, and the creation movement's direction as a whole, squarely on the Word of God, confirmed by careful science. Consequently, we think of ourselves as a source of information, materials, and research, as well as encouragement, but not control. We have also been a source of manpower, with numerous ICR graduates now at the helm of their own local ministries, either full or part time.

Through the years, we have tried to maintain a long-range focus. Solid scientific research, in-depth leadership preparations through the graduate school, debates on university campuses, thoughtful books which convince those in positions of influence—these are the methods which will win in the long run. Of course, we also hold seminars for laymen and produce materials for children. These are essential, but they are not the key elements in a victory strategy. And God has blessed this long-range mindset.

In some ways, however, we are suffering from this success. As the many other more recent creation ministries begin to fill requests for lay seminars, and to supply the creationist books and videos needed by the church, I am concerned that short-term gains may divert creation's focus away from a winning game plan.

Of course, each of these other ministries needs and deserves financial support. Their function is important, but keeping our eyes on the goal is crucial. As we approach the end of the year, let me encourage you to consider ICR in your giving plans, either as a gift now or in your estate plans. Consider investing in the strides for complete victory. Hard work in the present and strategic preparation for the future is critically needed as long as the Lord tarries. Please consider partnering with us, to His glory.

* Dr. Morris is President of ICR.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 1999. ICR Ministry Strategy. Acts & Facts. 28 (11).

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