God's Blessings Of 1998 | The Institute for Creation Research

God's Blessings Of 1998

Each year at this time, we look back and "count our many blessings" at ICR, rehearsing God's blessing to our friends and supporters. Truly, He has done marvelous things through and in each of us, with lasting fruit and much glory to Him.

Let me begin this recap with some personal news. My father, ICR Founder Dr. Henry Morris, turned 80 years of age this fall. I am so thankful that God has given him continued good health and the ability to remain fully active at ICR. He is my most valued consultant and confidant, as well as a most productive "employee." Meanwhile, my oldest child went off to college this year. I am thankful that she walks with God and seeks to please Him. Life goes on.

On the home front, strides continue to be made. The ICR Graduate School graduated 8 students with master's degrees this year. Our adjunct faculty grew with the addition of Dr. David Dewitt of Liberty University, with a total of 37 students taking classes. The research projects accomplished by the students and the faculty were impressive with a total of 12 technical papers presented by faculty or graduates at the August International Conference on Creationism.

In May, ICR hosted the second annual RATE conference, researching final answers for the radioisotope dating problem. This crucial project is on schedule to release a status report in 2000, and a final report in 2005.

Acts & Facts completed year 27 of uninterrupted publication, now provided to 125,000 recipients. Days of Praise completed year 14 with a circulation of 245,000.

The radio programs saw a dramatic increase in the number of stations carrying our programs. "Back to Genesis" is now on 1,134 outlets, while 787 carry "Science, Scripture, & Salvation." A summer radio special entitled "Faith Under Fire: Taking Creation Back to School" was aired on 354 outlets. The Spanish language equivalent of "Back to Genesis" now runs on 115 outlets as well.

Many people get their creation information from our web site (http://www.icr.org). This past year a greater volume of material was downloaded than was printed in Acts & Facts. Speaking of the web, the first semester of Creation OnLine was made available in October, with the second semester to be on line this spring.

After a lull in seminar attendance in previous months, an increase of nearly 40% was experienced, with our new "power point" format being well received. All totaled, 10 BTG seminars and 11 "Case for Creation" seminars were conducted with nearly 33,000 people reached. "Good Science" and "Days of Discovery" ministered to about 2,000 home school families, while Duane Gish participated in 4 debates, witnessed by 3,350 people. Other lectures and meetings reached some 31,000 people.

We toured Israel for the first time in March with 70 attendees and returned to Yellowstone Park in September with 88 participating, including faculty.

Several books were published this year, including That Their Words May Be Used Against Them and the revised The Twilight of Evolution by Dr. Henry Morris, and Noah's Ark, Noah's Flood by Dr. John Morris. Two smaller books by John Morris also appeared in a series of eight produced by Master Books Publishers including The Creation, and Abraham's Family.

A new video, "War of the World-views," was produced as a promotional tool for "Back to Genesis" seminars. A series of three videos, "From a Frog to a Prince," "In the Image of God," and "Raging Waters" was produced for secular television in concert with Answers in Genesis.

While the final tally is not yet in, we expect God to have allowed ICR to finish the year in the black once again. It also appears that designated gifts toward a new, sorely needed building housing our research laboratories will allow construction to begin soon without going into debt.

As you can see from this brief sketch, God has abundantly blessed the creation ministry at ICR. He is great and greatly to be praised. We thank you for your prayers and financial help. Together, much has been accomplished.

* Dr. Morris is President of ICR.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 1999. God's Blessings Of 1998. Acts & Facts. 28 (1).

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