Creative Ways to Share the Creation Message | The Institute for Creation Research

Creative Ways to Share the Creation Message

"And this canyon was carved by the Colorado River over six million years.” The tour guide, seemingly oblivious to the majestic Grand Canyon surroundings, droned on about her assumptions concerning the age of the earth. Before I could turn around, Markus, the outgoing young man sitting next to me on the rock ledge, hopped down to the walk below and strolled to the tourists gathered around the guide.

“Have you ever considered that there might be another explanation for this incredible Grand Canyon?” Markus made eye contact with the individuals in the crowd, communicating genuine concern for them. “I mean, have you ever considered that maybe something catastrophic happened—like a worldwide flood like the Bible describes as happening in Noah’s day?”

The tour guide’s mouth dropped open, the tourists turned to look at this assured young man, and a gentleman in the crowd drew closer to Markus, asking the first of several questions.

I watched it all unfold from my perch on the ledge. Markus didn’t hesitate a second when he heard the false information. He responded instantly, and the crowd was hungry for his words of truth—his friendly demeanor and nonconfrontational approach sparked interest and drew the listeners to him. I was proud to be associated with someone who so willingly shared the creation message with total strangers. And I was reminded that so many others across our country and around the world need to hear those same words.

Markus and I were at the Grand Canyon to film for ICR’s upcoming video series—a tool that we hope will help us reach beyond our normal scope of conferences, church services, and school seminars. As our articles in the October Acts & Facts discussed, we are looking for ways to reach churches and schools where we aren’t able to offer a large event or visit personally.

One of our goals at ICR is to share creation truths in creative ways—reflecting the design of our heavenly Father. In his article “Reaching the Millennials: A Crucial Connection ” (pages 5-7), Dr. Henry Morris III points out the need to reach this generation with the creation message. We understand the necessity to use methods the tech-savvy millennials are familiar with. Our new video series will share the foundational truths of Scripture with cutting-edge science information in a package millennials will be drawn to—it will spark interest and pull the viewers in for a closer look at how the evidence supports the accuracy of the Genesis account of Earth’s history.

Also in this issue, we unveil a first look at our newest book, Guide to Animals (pages 22-23). This hardcover book, packed with hundreds of rich full-color illustrations, reflects our desire to reach the younger generation with the creation message, although people of all ages will be fascinated by the unique presentation of the wonders of God’s creative design in animals.

As Henry Morris IV reminds us in his article this month (page 21), “As long as we continue to honor God and His Word, we are confident that, through His people, He will supply our needs and accomplish the work He wants us to do.” Please partner with us as we look for unique ways to share the truths of Scripture and to reach those who have yet to hear the creation message.

* Jayme Durant is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2013. Creative Ways to Share the Creation Message. Acts & Facts. 42 (11).

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