The Breadth and Depth of ICR Ministries | The Institute for Creation Research

The Breadth and Depth of ICR Ministries

When I am asked about ICR’s current projects and programs, people are often surprised by the breadth and depth of the ICR ministry. This is particularly true for visitors who tour our facilities, taking in our rich array of fossil exhibits, laboratories, and classrooms that provide the backdrop for our work. The sheer volume and quality of ICR programs make a lasting impression on visitors as they gain a greater appreciation for ICR’s influence over the past 40 years. They leave with a feeling of deep thankfulness for God’s abundant blessing, seeing firsthand how their partnership with ICR has had a meaningful impact on the cause of Christ our Creator.

I suspect many of our readers may fit a similar mold, generally aware of what ICR does but not certain how they can help. As we enter this joyous holiday season in celebration of our Savior’s birth, I encourage you to prayerfully consider a generous gift to support one of the core facets of the ICR ministry:

Research: ICR’s life sciences team is currently working on an exciting biological research project that aims to topple the evolutionary assumption of gradual change over long ages. The phrase "after his [their] kind" is used repeatedly throughout Scripture…ten times in Genesis 1 alone…clearly stressing that reproductive integrity and uniqueness were built into animal and plant life as originally created. The goal is to show that genetic change is limited, thereby eliminating the possibility of evolutionary change over time of all life from a common ancestor. The results of such a project would be profound in the battle for truth, so please encourage our research team in prayer and financial support as they work toward this end.

Education: People are often unaware that ICR offers education programs for virtually the entire educational spectrum, from graduate degree programs down to elementary school curriculum. For adults, the School of Biblical Apologetics offers a master’s degree in Christian Education with four concentrated minors, while our Creationist Worldview professional certificate program caters to working adults and pastors who desire a deeper understanding of the creation-evolution issues from biblical perspectives. For K-12 teachers and homeschool parents, ICR offers the Science Education Essentials series of science curriculum supplements, providing solid answers for tough questions about science, origins, and the Bible. Our faculty asks for your prayers and financial partnership to grow this vital arm of our education ministry.

Communication: Over the last 40 years, God has enabled ICR to reach millions with the scientific truth of His creation through a myriad of presentations, publications, and other media. ICR distributes Acts & Facts and Days of Praise to hundreds of thousands free of charge, while countless multitudes have benefited from formal presentations like our Demand the Evidence lecture series, Genesis presentations, and Back to Genesis seminars. Creation science radio programs are broadcast on nearly 1,600 outlets each week, while hundreds of books, audio CDs, and DVDs have been produced through the years. These comprise the public "face" of ICR, and based on the many testimonies received, they have brought many to a saving knowledge of our Creator and have been a great blessing to many more. Yet these comprise the most expensive portion of our ministry…so please consider partnering with us with a generous gift to continue these vital outreach programs. And God bless you and your family this holiday season.

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Image: The day after ICR’s 40th anniversary banquet, supporters were treated to a private tour of the ICR campus.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2010. The Breadth and Depth of ICR Ministries. Acts & Facts. 39 (12): 21.

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