Be Amazed | The Institute for Creation Research

Be Amazed

When was the last time you were amazed by God? Perhaps it’s time to stop and ponder—to pause and consider the works of God.

Ponder the wonders of creation. Have you really looked at the details in a leaf or the intricacy of a butterfly’s wing? Have you closed your eyes and relished the smell of the earth after a rain? Do you experience joy when you hear the melody in a young child’s voice? Have you pondered the magnitude of a rushing waterfall? Does your breath catch at the simple beauty of a newborn’s fingers as they clasp your own?

We live in a culture that tends to pull us away from recognizing and responding to God’s work in our world. Dr. Randy Guliuzza encourages us to “consider the way the doctrine of biblical creation and the historical challenge from natural evolutionism affect our thoughts about the function of worship” (“Evolutionism Poisons Christian Worship”). ICR exists to counter evolution and promote biblical creation, and that’s why we built the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History. In every event and resource we produce, we seek to highlight the wonders of God’s creation to inspire worship and draw others to Him.

In this issue, we point to God’s incredible works over all creation. Dr. Jake Hebert describes how spiral galaxies, blue stars, and globular clusters affirm that our universe was recently designed by our all-powerful Creator (“Deep-Space Objects Are Young”). God’s handiwork is not limited to the heavens—you’ll also find His mark in tiny details like the color of your eyes. Dr. Jeff Tomkins reveals how even blue eyes are part of the genetic variation built into human DNA by “our Creator, who loves variety” (“Are Blue Eyes in Humans a Mutation?”). And Dr. Jim Johnson emphasizes the evidence of God’s design in the depths of the sea (“Deep Wonders of Slapping Sharks and Snapping Shrimps”). ICR scientists and scholars are constantly researching the intricacies of God’s work and bringing them to light. You can find out some of the creative ways they are doing this in this month’s feature and research articles.

But knowing about God’s work does little good if we don’t take time to recognize its significance. So as we encounter God’s creation, let’s pause in awe that He spoke everything into existence. Let’s remember He breathed life into humanity and His very breath gave us a beginning. And let’s celebrate the work He did on the cross so that we can know Him and enjoy His work forever.

Psalm 46:10 encourages us to “be still, and know that [He is] God.” Maybe it’s time for a break from the routine—to pause and ponder. Consider His wonders, works, and words, and be amazed.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2019. Be Amazed. Acts & Facts. 48 (9).

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