In Journal of Creation 28 (1): 59-67, April 2014
Because of their belief that ‘the present is the key to the past’, uniformitarian climatologists have become convinced that past dramatic fluctuations in climate can also occur in the present. Within the creation model, however, these dramatic climate fluctuations occurred during a single Ice Age that followed the (non-repeatable) Genesis Flood. Hence, in the creation model, these past climate fluctuations cannot legitimately be used to extrapolate future climate changes. Hence there is a subtle connection between denial of the Genesis Flood and anxiety over ‘climate change’. A better understanding of cloud microphysics would also be helpful in gaining greater clarity on this issue. It is possible that current meteorological and climatological models are not taking into account all the relevant physics. In recent years there has been considerable interest in theories that cosmic rays could influence weather and climate. The best-publicized mechanism for such a link is Henrik Svenmsark’s theory of ‘ion-mediated nucleation’ (IMN). A second, less well-known mechanism, called ‘charge modulation of aerosol scavenging’ (CMAS), involves the downward ‘fair-weather’ ionosphere-to-surface electric current density Jz. A prediction of the CMAS mechanism is that increases in Jz will intensify high-latitude northern hemisphere winter cyclones. Evidence for such an effect is presented from two independent data sets.
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