The Higher Law | The Institute for Creation Research

The Higher Law

“Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws” (Genesis 26:5).

In the United States, the government should be a government of laws, rather than men, and our founding fathers established a Constitution with its government of checks and balances to safeguard this principle. Today, however, we have a great weight of both legislation and administrative regulations. Even our judges have become lawmakers themselves, assuming that the supposed “law” of evolution applies to the Constitution itself, adapting it to our “evolving” social policies.

The law of evolution is, of course, a pure fabrication, but there is indeed a higher law than even that of the Constitution. The founding fathers called it “the law of nature and of nature’s God,” or “the laws of divine providence.” Studies of English jurisprudence (as codified particularly in the works of Blackstone and Rutherford) make it plain that the English common law was nothing more nor less than applied Biblical law. Our nation fundamentally was built on the framework of law established by the Creator in the Holy Scriptures and has been greatly blessed because of this.

As a matter of fact, as our text shows, God’s system of laws was established not only before Moses’ time, but even before Abraham; and Abraham obeyed them. So did the ancient patriarch Job (note Job 23:12).

The courts of our country, however, have now seen fit to ban even the Ten Commandments from the schools, and God’s laws are violated everywhere. Therefore, Christians have a greater responsibility now than ever before to do as our father Abraham did, obeying God’s voice and His charge, with His commandments, statutes, and laws. HMM

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