January 2018

When Frogs Fly
Wallace’s flying frog in flight. It uses the webbing between its toes to help it glide. Mammals, reptiles, and even amphibians can actually glide through the atmosphere. God’s inventive engineering has equipped these unexpected...

Itching Ears
The Bible contains abundant warnings against following false teaching. All of them foretell awful consequences for those who don’t test what they hear against the inerrant words of God. There...
Great Expectations
In January, we often review our goals with great expectations for the year ahead. It helps to reflect on where we’ve been and how far we’ve come. We want to rejoice in God’s goodness...
Wrapping Up Seafloor Sediment Research
  Regular Acts & Facts readers know I have long studied the methods uniformitarian scientists use to assign ages to the deep ice cores of Greenland and Antarctica. Although Bible skeptics...
Stellar Nucleosynthesis: Where Did Heavy Elements Come From?
Radiation from pulsar PSR B1509-58, a rapidly spinning neutron star, makes nearby gases glow gold (image from the Chandra X-ray observatory) and illuminates the rest of the nebula in blue and...
Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Shenanigans
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Complex Cretaceous-Paleogene clay layer (gray) in the Geulhemmergroeve tunnels near Geulhem, the Netherlands. Finger is...
Engineered Adaptability: Epigenetics—Engineered Phen.,.
A thrill-seeking bungee jumper wouldn’t leap off a bridge tethered by a chain, and most people wouldn’t buy a car with its axle welded directly to the frame. It needs a flexible spring system...
Were There Days Before God Created the Sun?
ICR recently received a letter asking a common creation question. Genesis 1 describes the creation of all things in six days. Since Genesis says God didn’t create the sun until Day 4, that means...
Uniformitarians Stumble on Distant Starlight
The accuracy and authority of God’s Word are often attacked by those who claim that science shows biblical claims to be erroneous if not impossible. 1 Peter 3:15 calls on believers to be always...
Godly Contentment in the New Year
The term “covetousness” is likely unfamiliar to younger generations today. However, it is a sin considered so grievous by God that He included it in His Ten Commandments to Israel. “You...


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