Five Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation

Should we read the Genesis creation account as literal and inspired history, or is it simply a symbolic framework that should be adapted to the most popular scientific theories? Sadly, a growing number of Christian leaders accept evolution as fact and try to harmonize the Bible with the concept of naturalistic development over countless eons. Dr. Henry Morris III offers five fundamental reasons why belief in a recent creation is not only feasible, but vital to a true understanding of God’s Word.

1) Five Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation (Intro)

Did you know there isn’t a hint of long evolutionary ages in the Bible? Still, some insist that God used evolution to create living organisms—including us. Can Christians believe in both creation and evolution?

2) The Bible Does Not Allow an Evolutionary Interpretation

The Bible is very precise in its language about the timescale of creation. The very concept of our “day” is defined in the first chapter of Genesis. So, is it possible to translate the word “day” to mean “age” to accommodate the required eons of evolution? And does the biblical record have any compatibility with the story of evolution?

3) Science Does Not Observe Evolution Happening Today

Science is based on observation and experimentation. Have scientists ever observed a beneficial mutation? Although many experiments have attempted to duplicate some form of evolutionary change, no one has ever come close to “evolving” anything in the laboratory.

4) There Is No Evidence Evolution Took Place in the Past

Historical science observes clues in the present that may be applied to a possible cause in the past. Evolutionists claim that fish evolved into amphibians, and amphibians into reptiles, and so on. But what do we see in the fossil record? Do evolutionists hold a worldview supported by true science?

5) God’s Character Absolutely Forbids Evolutionary Methods

God’s holiness demands that His creation should not distort anything about Him or about the creation itself. God could not create processes that would counter His own nature or that would lead man to conclude something untrue about God. If the words of Scripture are true words, if they are God’s words, then there can be no “evolution” in God’s work.



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