Anthropology, Archaeology, and Asteroids

Fascinating creatures and terrifying cataclysms riddle the timeline of Earth history. What can we learn about the pre-Flood world, the origin of humanity, and other scientific mysteries? ICR geologist and Research Associate Dr. Tim Clarey examines groundbreaking evidence that confirms the Genesis narrative.

1) Discovering the Pre-Flood World

Can we know what the pre-Flood world looked like? How has Dr. Clarey’s cutting-edge megasequence research improved our understanding of the Genesis Flood? Uncover clues to Earth’s catastrophic past in this geological survey.

2) Revealing the True Age of the Hawaiian Islands

Many textbooks teach that the Hawaiian Islands are millions of years old. How can we know their true age? Dr. Clarey digs out the truth from not-so-old Hawaiian rocks.

3) Dinosaurs Are Not Birds

Birds and dinosaurs are completely different kinds. God uniquely created both of them only thousands of years ago. Learn how to debunk the secular propaganda of dinosaur-to-bird evolution.

4) What Was Homo naledi?

Scientists recently reported the discovery of a new human-like species called Homo naledi. Why is this important to Christians? Dr. Clarey clears up the controversy surrounding the latest “missing link” claim.

5) Dinosaur Extinction via Asteroid?

Have you heard about the Chicxulub impact site in Yucatan, Mexico? Some scientists claim this site as the “smoking gun” of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Is this a smoking gun or just smoke? What results can we glean from empirical research?



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