Kids Edition 2023: Black Holes | The Institute for Creation Research

Kids Edition 2023: Black Holes

Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! Have fun doing the activities while learning about the wonderful world God gave you to enjoy and take care of.

Black holes are some of the most mysterious objects in space. Some scientists believe they form when giant stars explode and collapse into dense regions of matter. The gravitational pull of these areas is so strong that even light can’t escape.

Click HERE to download the entire Kids Edition 2023 Acts & Facts.

Click HERE for the Kids! Edition individual sections and ICR’s Creation Kids activity pages.

Contributions by Communications department: Jayme Durant, Renée Dusseau, Michael Stamp, Lori Fausak, Bethany Trimble, and Rachel Brown. Designed by Susan Windsor

Cite this article: . 2023. Kids Edition 2023: Black Holes. Acts & Facts. 52 (12).

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