Teaching Kids About Creation During Quarantine | The Institute for Creation Research

Teaching Kids About Creation During Quarantine
Thanks to public health recommendations regarding COVID-19, many families are spending more time together than ever before. If that’s your situation, then you may be wondering how to maximize your time, especially with your kids. Have you considered taking this opportunity to develop their understanding and appreciation for God as the Creator of all things?

When they grasp that God is our Creator, it lays the foundation for every other biblical truth you’ll want to share with them, including the gospel. If you spend some of this unexpected togetherness teaching creation to your kids, you can rest assured this was time well spent.

Here are some simple and fun ideas you can try during this time of quarantine—and beyond.

Take a nature walk. You don’t have to go far to immerse yourself in God’s creation—even your backyard or neighborhood will do. Bring a magnifying glass or binoculars to help them spot details of God's design they might otherwise miss.

ICR Kids Activity Pack
​Make creation art. Take photos of their favorite finds during the nature walk, and they can draw or paint one of them when you return home. ICR is inviting parents to submit their kids’ artwork via private message on our Facebook pages @ICRscience and @ICRdiscovery. Visit those pages to see some of the #ICRkids creation art we’ve already posted!

Take advantage of ICR’s free creation-based activity sheets. We’ve got a word search, color sheets, and educational games. Download them here!

Let your kids choose one That’s a Fact video to watch each day. Our free That’s a Fact videos share one truth about science and the Bible in two minutes or less. Access them here.

Enjoy ICR resources in bite-size amounts. If you have some ICR resources at home, see how you can integrate them into your creation teaching time. (If you don’t have any, visit ICR.org/store to order.) Books in our Science for Kids and Guide to series cover a new topic on every page. Consider reading it aloud together each day. Our DVD series, like Uncovering the Truth about Dinosaurs, are broken into 22-minute episodes. If they watch one episode daily, you can finish most series in just a few days.

Make this time a shared experience. Ask your kids questions, and give them the opportunity to ask you questions. I am amazed at the insightful questions even young kids can come up with. My six-year-old once surprised me when he asked, “If God sent the Flood to judge the world for sin, why do we still have sin in the world today?” If you don’t know the answer to a creation science question, we have thousands of articles on our website ICR.org. Take time to research it together.

I’ve done several of these activities with my kids already, and they seem to really enjoy the creation focus. When we look back on this chaotic quarantine time with our families, I pray we’ll see much good that came out of it. And if we’re intentional with this opportunity, we’ll all know our Creator better because of it.

*Christy Hardy is an editor at the Institute for Creation Research.
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