Staying Social During Social Distancing | The Institute for Creation Research

Staying Social During Social Distancing
On Sunday, March 29, President Trump ordered the social distancing measures to stay in place until April 30. But does social distancing have to mean social isolation? Thanks to videoconferencing programs, it doesn’t! Far from being a new form of communication, programs like these are one of the leading ways people are keeping in contact. More and more people are turning to virtual meetings. In just the first 3 months of 2020, Zoom has added more users than in all of 2019 combined.1

With apps and software like these, families and friends can remain connected, employers are keeping operations afloat remotely with their staff, and even church groups can continue gathering. Just when we thought our world was already extremely digital, this circumstance has moved us even further to rely on technology.

During a time of social distancing, don’t allow yourself to remain disengaged and alone. Virtual church and video chats may not be ideal (and prayerfully won’t be permanent), but as the Church, we should not be in the habit of neglecting to gather together.2 In this season, take advantage of new, unconventional ways of finding fellowship and building community. Nothing can replace in-person interaction, but may we continue to be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, even when we are screens apart.3

1. Novet, J. Zoom has added more videoconferencing users this year than in all of 2019 thanks to coronavirus, Bernstein says. CNBC. Posted on February 26, 2020, accessed April 22, 2020.
2. Hebrews 10:25.
3. Romans 1:12.

*Ivana Semidey is Customer Service Specialist for the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History.
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