God’s Work in Impossible Odds | The Institute for Creation Research

God’s Work in Impossible Odds
As we celebrated during Easter weekend and gave thanks for Jesus’ incredible sacrifice, we can’t help but acknowledge that God’s greatest triumph came from such a dark set of circumstances.

Many of the stories recorded in the Bible would lead us to believe that God loves working in impossible odds. When the Israelites were being pursued by the army of Pharaoh, only to be obstructed by the Red Sea, God allowed Moses to part the waters.1

Examples are scattered throughout the Bible:

Daniel’s survival in the lion’s den.2

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego’s protection in the fiery furnace.3

The raising of Lazarus after he spent 4 days in the grave.4
Why is that? Why would God allow things to get so dire before intervening?

There are times when God leverages our abilities or efforts to bring about His will, but there is something unique that happens in situations where we are completely helpless. When we are out of options, when we can’t find a solution, and we can do nothing to remedy the situation, we can either give in to despair or we can look up and watch as God does what only He can do.

Easter is a symbol of just that! From the darkest day in history came the greatest hope for all mankind. As we continue through these weeks of apparent darkness—when government leaders, medical professionals, and scientific experts are at a loss—remember that this is the time to turn to the One who holds the answers, the One who can deliver us.

We may not know what God is doing, why He’s allowing this, or how He will bring us out of this, but we know that God is in the business of bringing His light into the darkest of places.

1. Exodus 14:9-23
2. Daniel 6:16-23
3. Daniel 3:16-25
4. John 11:38-44

*Ivana Semidey is Customer Service Specialist for the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History.
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