Eclipses: The Handiwork of Jesus Christ | The Institute for Creation Research

Eclipses: The Handiwork of Jesus Christ

Many remarkable events have occurred over the past 50+ years of the Institute for Creation Research’s ministry, but one of the most exciting is happening this year. On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will be visible from North America. This incredible phenomenon occurs when the moon is located perfectly between the sun and Earth, casting its shadow on the surface of our planet. The path of totality, about 115 miles wide, will stretch from Mexico, through Texas over the Dallas/Fort Worth area, up to Maine, and across parts of eastern Canada. The next one in the continental U.S. won’t take place until 2044, so this breathtaking occurrence is certainly rare—though not random.

At ICR, we seek to proclaim how celestial sights like eclipses point to the marvelous workmanship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The magnificent alignment of the sun and moon is an infinitely small reflection of God’s eternal glory—present even before the stars were put in place. Sadly, the foolish wisdom of our present age has corrupted the biblical explanation of the universe’s origins clearly described in the book of Genesis.

Interestingly, the sun and moon are mentioned over 200 times in the Bible. They capture the attention of both young and old, believers and unbelievers alike, even today. As a result of this continued interest, ICR has sought to provide information about these incredible marvels that’s both scientific and rooted in God’s Word.

Recently, we published a booklet titled Unlocking Eclipses: What to Look For, How to View Them, and Why They Matter. This insightful resource presents all the details your family will need to prepare for eclipse day. You can purchase a copy at the ICR Discovery Center or at

In addition, on Saturday, April 6, 2024, ICR will host a large event in the Dallas, Texas, area to commemorate the Great American Solar Eclipse. In partnership with the Day4 Astronomy club, this family-friendly celebration will feature presentations from ICR scientists and guest speakers, including NASA astronauts and amateur astronomers, as well as games and activities for kids of all ages. We’d love for you to join us at this fun-filled day of exploring our solar system and discovering the truth about the God who engineered it all. The details about this event are still being finalized, so mark your calendar and please check back at to learn more. If you have any questions about the event, call 214.615.8325 or email

We’re excited about this once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse, and we hope you are, too. I encourage you to share with others not only the biblical significance of this stunning display but also how it reflects the most blessed gift ever received by those who, in faith and repentance, love the Creator and Savior of the universe—the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him, our God has “given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3) and has allowed us to witness the magnificent wonders of His creation, like eclipses.

For over 50 years, ICR has impacted the lives of many. My dad was one of them, studying the geology of Noah’s Flood in the late 1960s after a meeting with Dr. Henry Morris. Because of your prayers and financial support, I’m grateful to say that ICR reaches more people than ever before. Thank you for helping us share the truth of biblical creation.

* Dr. Morse is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research and earned his D.Min. from The Master’s Seminary.

Cite this article: Charles (Chas) C. Morse, D.Min. 2024. Eclipses: The Handiwork of Jesus Christ. Acts & Facts. 53 (3).

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