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The Flood of Noah and the Flood of Gilgamesh - Mar 1, 1997
/article/noah-flood-gilgameshFrank Lorey, M.A. - Background The Epic of Gilgamesh has been of interest to Christians ever since its discovery in the mid-nineteenth century in the ruins of the great library at Nineveh, with its account of a universal flood with significant parallels to the...
Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology - Jun 1, 1994
/article/tree-rings-biblical-chronologyFrank Lorey, M.A. - Introduction About two miles high, in the White Mountains of eastern California, grows a unique tree, Pinus aristata (also referred to as Pinus longaeva).1 Commonly known as the Bristlecone pine, it is not a tall or stately appearing tree; it...