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High School Students' Attitudes toward Creation and Evolution Compared To Their Worldview - May 1, 2002
/article/high-school-students-attitudes-toward-creation-evoSteve Deckard, Ed.D. - High school students' beliefs regarding origins are very important. Many high school students claim to believe in a supernatural theistic Creator. Many also report a born-again experience and would thus hold to having a personal relationship with...
Steve Deckard, Ed.D. - The young and growing discipline of science education is at a pivotal point of development. This very important field deals with aspects of how we teach our children and inform...
Steve Deckard, Ed.D. - The young and growing discipline of science education is at a pivotal point of development. This very important field deals with aspects of how we teach our children and inform...
Steve Deckard, Ed.D. - Science educators' beliefs about origins are very important. It is generally assumed by creationists that most science teachers hold to beliefs that are not consistent with a creationist perspective. This assumption can be based on several lines of...
Steve Deckard, Ed.D. - Science educators' beliefs about origins are very important. It is generally assumed by creationists that most science teachers hold to beliefs that are not consistent with a creationist perspective. This assumption can be based on several lines of...
Planning and Implementing a Creationist-Based Field Trip - Nov 1, 1996
/article/planning-implementing-creationist-based-field-tripSteve Deckard, Ed.D. - Introduction Most teachers realize that textbook-centered instruction limits learning. Despite this knowledge, educational researcher Robert Yager reports that "over 90% of all science teachers use a textbook 95% of the time: hence, the...
Steve Deckard, Ed.D. - Introduction Secondary school biology textbooks are the central tool in the instructional process of teaching biological science in the American school...
Steve Deckard, Ed.D. - Introduction Secondary school biology textbooks are the central tool in the instructional process of teaching biological science in the American school...
An Educational Step in the Right Direction - Dec 1, 1995
/article/educational-step-right-directionSteve Deckard, Ed.D. - "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Colossians 2:8). The present generation of students in American schools seem to...
A Practical Model for Integrating Science and Faith - Sep 1, 1994
/article/practical-model-for-integrating-science-faithSteve Deckard, Ed.D. - One of the four Master's degree programs at the Institute for Creation Research leads to a degree in science education. Science education is a broad amorphous field of study with little agreement among the experts as to exactly what...
The New Age and Global Education - Oct 1, 1992
/article/new-age-global-educationSteve Deckard, Ed.D. - Ideas are important. They affect our behavior, our philosophy of life, and ultimately our world view. One such set of ideas being promoted in educational circles is so-called Global Education. The objective of this paper is to expose the hidden...