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More God Caused Wisdom
The Mathematical Impossibility Of Evolution
ICR began publishing its popular free newsletter Acts & Facts in June 1972, over 31 years ago. The first two issues were 6-page, single-column, fold-over...
The Foolishness Of Human Wisdom
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22).
The Lord Jesus, in Matthew 5:22, warned His disciples against...
The Wisdom Mine
“Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding?” (Job 28:20).
In one of his monologues, the patriarch Job compares...
More Nature Reveals God's Wisdom
Bacterial Proteins Use Quantum Mechanics
Researchers have found a dimmer switch inside a protein. It tunes the protein’s configuration to take advantage of quantum mechanics during photosynthesis....
The Mathematical Impossibility Of Evolution
ICR began publishing its popular free newsletter Acts & Facts in June 1972, over 31 years ago. The first two issues were 6-page, single-column, fold-over...
The Finest Solar Technology Doesn't Come from a Lab
Advances in solar cell technology have produced a new European record of 39.7 percent efficiency. The result was attributed to improved “contact...
More Oceans
How Algae Do Fine When Tossed at Sea
How would you do if someone spun you around every few seconds all day long? Marine algae repeatedly get tossed about in coastal surf, and they cope quite...
Complex Metabolic Process in Fish Startles Evolutionists
A complex metabolic process called Chaperone-Mediated-Autophagy (CMA) was thought to be a recent evolutionary development in land vertebrates as it was...
The Rocket Bug: Lone Insect of the Open Ocean
Various water-striding insects use small body sizes, long legs, and fine hairs on their feet to skate on the surfaces of ponds and streams. But life on...
More Zoology
Fish Body Design Reveals Optimized Swimming Mechanics
Engineering-minded scientists have taken notice that many types of fish have bodies shaped like a low-drag airfoil that are characteristic of airplane...
Birdwatching Through the Internet
As ICR previously reported, more Americans are enjoying birdwatching as other recreational opportunities are reduced by pandemic politics.1...
Orphaned Manatee Rescued in Florida Keys
Necessities can be keys to forming new friendships, an orphaned baby manatee learned earlier this month.1 Maybe there is also a lesson for us...
More God's Design Is an Engineering Wonder
RNA Hoops: When Circular Reasoning Makes Sense
If the regulatory picture of the genome were not complicated enough, over the past decade scientists have discovered another level of Darwinian-defying...
Alaskan Alcids: Efficiently Designed for Air and Water
Recent research on the flying behavior of Alaskan alcids shows how Earth has two kinds of fluid-filled “oceans”, the liquid ocean of sea-water...
Glow-in-the-Dark Creatures Show Off on Warm July Nights
In America, the month of July is accompanied by fireworks, even in the heavens.1 However, July is also a time when certain glow-in-the-dark...
More Living Creatures Were Clearly Designed
Human Brain Research Finds New Folds
Brain researchers from San Diego State University have just reported digitally capturing the dense folds of a preserved human cerebellum using a high resolution...
The Jaw Drops an Evolutionary Explanation
The lepidosaurs are a large and diverse group of land vertebrates that include the snakes and lizards. There are almost 12,000 species of these animals....
How Algae Do Fine When Tossed at Sea
How would you do if someone spun you around every few seconds all day long? Marine algae repeatedly get tossed about in coastal surf, and they cope quite...
More Living Creatures Were Equipped to Adapt
The Jaw-Dropping Design in Hawaii's State Fish
Hawaiians call their state fish the humuhumunukunukuapua’a, or humuhumu for short, and snorkelers marvel at its wild paint job as it flits...
Adaptive Genetic and Epigenetic Changes in Plants
Being sedentary organisms, plants are essentially stuck where they are planted and need to dynamically adapt to the conditions around them to not only...
Parasites Actively Adapt to their Environments
Although we see much beauty in God’s creation, we cannot help but see Earth as a perfect world gone wrong. Conditions such as cancer, COVID, and...
More Creation Science Update
Nature's Drummer
The sweet melody of songbirds fills the air as the forest wakes up. But there is another familiar voice that joins in the morning songs: woodpecker....
Yet Another Living Fossil Found
Evolutionary philosophy states the fossil record is a record of the gradual and slow evolution of life forms that all came from a single common ancestor...
April 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
Romans 10:9...