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More DNA Was Created as a Reservoir for the Information of Life
First Human Chromosome Fully Sequenced
Most people might be surprised to learn that the human genome has not been fully sequenced. Gaps still remain that have not yet been bridged because of...
Was a Franken-Fish "Created"?
In 2020, Hungarian zoologists described the hybridization of a Russian sturgeon and American paddlefish.1 Some sources have reported the scientists...
What is DNA? Why is it important? And how does it reveal the handiwork of the omnipotent Designer? Discover the code of life as Mr. Sherwin unwinds...
More Human Body
Control Loops in Humans and Nature
Ever had a blood test? Along with a value measured, there are also the normal max/min limits for that value. This implies that the body normally controls...
Grandmothers, Eat Fish to Protect Your Brains!
This month the American Academy of Neurology published a medical science study showing that senior women can fight air pollution hazards, including brain...
New York COVID-19 Infections Derived from Europe
New York City has become one of the largest epicenters of confirmed cases in the United States for coronavirus infections. Now, a new research study recently...
More Problems with Evolution
Cretaceous Bird Beak Pecks Holes in Evolution
Rock layers in China have yielded yet another strange bird. Two features in its partial skull—the only parts found—make it both a unique discovery...
Asteroid or Adam?
“Were it not for the asteroid, humans would never have evolved,” said Ian Miller, curator of paleobotany and director of earth and space sciences...
Life Is More Than Biomolecules
In order to have evolution, you must first have life. Both sides of the evolution-creation debate agree that the chance of all the correct biomolecules...
More Contrasting Worldviews
Is Evolution ’Fake Science’?
The organization BioLogos, which advocates that Christians accept secular evolutionary claims, recently published an online essay entitled “How to...
After 30 Years, Red Kites Soar in British Skies
Good news is always welcome. So, it’s good to learn of another conservation comeback. This time it’s the red kite happily soaring in Great...
Hyperbaric Research and the Pre-Flood Atmosphere
Creationists have long speculated about the earth’s environment prior to the global Flood—conditions which may have contributed to the long...
More Science
Did Our Brains Evolve Language Pathways?
A Newcastle University press release title reads, “Origins of language pathway in the brain at least 25 million years old.”1 How...
Astronomy Magazine: Big Bang in Crisis?
The May 2020 issue of Astronomy magazine asks what might have once been seen as an unthinkable question: Is the Big Bang in Crisis?1 The article...
Seals Help Swedes to Chart ’Paths of the Seas’
Swedish researchers have recently reported some newly documented “paths of the seas”1,2 thanks to some helpful (and high-tech) Weddell...
More Only God Could Have Made Cells
Cells Use Elaborate Math to Adapt
A new development in mathematical modeling from Dr. Robyn P. Araujo at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, goes a long way to...
Algae Multicellular Evolution Study Debunked
Recent headlines claim, “Scientists Have Witnessed a Single-Celled Algae Evolve Into a Multicellular Organism.”1 In reality,...
Solving the First-Life Phosphate Problem
Research associated with the Simos Foundation’s Collaboration of the Origins of Life offers a new answer to an old problem for getting a soup...
More Microbiology
How Algae Do Fine When Tossed at Sea
How would you do if someone spun you around every few seconds all day long? Marine algae repeatedly get tossed about in coastal surf, and they cope quite...
Latest DNA Tech Still Light-Years Behind
Let’s say you recorded a library of books onto DNA. Hundreds of books could fit on your fingertip, but how would you find the one book you wanted?
Marvelous Molecular Machines
We’ve seen in museums, textbooks, magazines, and in our biology classes that all life is made up of cells. Inside these cells are tiny, submicroscopic,...
More Creation Science Update
Be Not Deceived: Spiritually Train to Overcome Secular .,.
Thorough instruction and discipline are the hallmark qualities of a strong military training program. Well-trained soldiers can think on their feet, adapt...
Earliest Fossil Brain Is Still a Brain
Over a century ago, a fossil fish was extracted from an English coal mine. Evolutionists assigned an age of “319 million years” to the extinct...
A Beautiful, Extinct Bird
In 2021, a fossil of an evidently beautiful bird the size of a bluejay was unearthed from sedimentary deposits in northeastern China. The bird—named...
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