More DNA Was Created as a Reservoir for the Information of Life
Prions Pass Traits by Their Shape, Not DNA
Medical students learn classic pathology cases to help them identify diseases and their causes. One such case involved human cannibals who ended up...
Cellular Evolution Debunked by Evolutionists
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Timothy Clarey, Ph.D.*
Perhaps the greatest problem for evolution is where and how the first biomolecules...
Belugas Select Friends Who Aren’t Close Kin
Beluga whales don’t select their friends according to what Darwinists would expect, a new Florida Atlantic University study shows.1,2...
More Variation Is Limited within Kinds
Rapid Finch Speciation Counters Evolution
About a dozen species of Darwin’s famous finches inhabit the various Galapagos Islands. Textbooks have long used these animals as examples of...
Blue Tarantulas Supposedly Evolved Eight Times
Like all other animals, the origin of spiders poses an ongoing problem for evolutionists. According to the fossil record, "the first fossil spiders...
Scientists Reach for Evolution's Replacement
Most people say that evolution is true, so why do a growing number of scientists doubt it? These skeptics don’t question evolution’s premise...
More Man Was Created by God
Secret Eugenics Conference Has Dark Darwinian Roots
A breaking news story by the London Student in early January exposed a “secret” eugenics conference held annually at University College...
What Was Homo naledi?
Scientists recently reported the discovery of a new human-like species called Homo naledi. Why is this important to Christians? Dr. Clarey clears...
God’s Providence Seen in Internal Clocks
Internal clocks are amazing examples of God’s providential care for his creation. One recent study showed embryonic “clocks” in chickens...
More Genetics
Complex Metabolic Process in Fish Startles Evolutionists
A complex metabolic process called Chaperone-Mediated-Autophagy (CMA) was thought to be a recent evolutionary development in land vertebrates as it was...
Latest DNA Tech Still Light-Years Behind
Let’s say you recorded a library of books onto DNA. Hundreds of books could fit on your fingertip, but how would you find the one book you wanted?
Viking DNA Highlights Post-Babel Genetic Diversity
The standard theme often given for Viking history is that of blond-haired, blued-eyed, burly men exploring, trading, ransacking, and pillaging across Europe,...
More Contrasting Worldviews
COVID-19 and Evangelicals
On March 27, Katherine Stewart wrote an opinion piece titled “The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals”1 for The New...
After 30 Years, Red Kites Soar in British Skies
Good news is always welcome. So, it’s good to learn of another conservation comeback. This time it’s the red kite happily soaring in Great...
RNA Ties and Unties Itself
There are two types of nucleic acids (genetic molecules): DNA and RNA. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a large linear molecule designed to store genetic...
More Science
Reminder: Saturn's Moon Titan Really Looks Young
Scientists led by Valerio Poggiali of Cornell University’s Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science have used Cassini spacecraft data to learn...
Tomorrow Morning: Last Chance to See Four Heavenly Bodi.,.
For three days this week, four heavenly bodies are aligned in the sky: Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and the Moon.1 Many of us now have reduced work...
Saturn's Moons Continue to Challenge Secular Theorists
A recent article in Sky & Telescope magazine explains why secular theorists have difficulty agreeing on the ages of Saturn’s moons.1...
More Man Was Created Distinct from Apes
New Language Research Speaks Volumes About Creation
A major unanswered question for evolution is: why are humans the only species that can talk? Secular researchers have tried to find an answer since...
College Clashes over Adam and Eve Statement
The trustees over Tennessee's Bryan College altered the school's long-held statement of faith. It used to say, "the origin of man was by...
More Evidence Lucy Was Just an Ape
Certain evolutionary scientists have talked of Lucy since the 1970s as a supposed ape-like ancestor of humans. It’s probably the world’s...
More Creation Science Update
Butterflies Can Remember
Gone are the days when many people (biologists included) saw insects as simple creatures that did little more than reproduce, eat, and grow—with...
July 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"The LORD on high is mightier
than the noise of many waters,
than the mighty waves of the sea."
Psalm 93:4 NKJV
ICR July 2023 wallpaper...
Arctic Lemur-like Fossils Were Transported During Flood
Evolutionary scientists announced the discovery of primate fossils on Ellesmere Island, in one of the northernmost parts of Canada. The jaws and teeth...
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