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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
2:8 under his feet. Even the angels are to be in subjection to man (Hebrews 1:14; 2:8; I Corinthians 6:3). The first man, Adam, was given dominion over the earth and all its creatures (Genesis 1:26-28), but sin intervened and it remains for the Son of man, “the last Adam” (I Corinthians 15:45) to regain man’s lost dominion.
2:8 all in subjection. Jesus, as the perfect man and as Son of man, at times even during His first coming exercised His future dominion over the earth (e.g., Mark 4:41; Matthew 17:27). This was just a prophetic foreshadowing and evidence that He will exercise man’s dominion in all its fullness in the age to come. First, however, He had to purge our sins and eventually remove the great curse from the earth.